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Sharing Experiences of Dyslexia across Europe
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will involve 60 young people (10 participants from each of the following countries - Malta, Germany, Italy, Greece, Scotland and Ireland) and 12 group leaders. All the participants can be considered vulnerable people as they have dyslexia. The mobility will last for 6 days (and 2 travel days) and its activities will be implemented in Malta. The youth exchange will be held from the 23 till 30 July 2016 (including travel days). The objectives of this project can be listed as follows:1) The sharing of experiences: Support is essential for people with special needs. In fact providing support to people with dyslexia was one of the main reasons which led to the establishment of the European Dyslexia Association. Today a number of events are organised every year in order to bring together people with dyslexia to share their experiences and discuss how they have learned to cope with the difficulties which they have to face on a daily basis due to this disability. 2) To build a strong sense of self esteem: Low self esteem is often one of the main problems of people with dyslexia. The frustration of children with dyslexia often centers on their inability to meet expectations. Their parents and teachers see a bright, enthusiastic child who is not learning to read and write. Time and again, dyslexics and their parents hear, "He's such a bright child; if only he would try harder." Ironically, no one knows exactly how hard the dyslexic is trying. 3) To improve the communication skills of the participants: People with dyslexia usually find communication challenging for a number of reasons, mainly due to i) lack of verbal fluency and lack of precision in speech; and ii) word-finding problems. Our project includes a number of discussions which will make it possible for our participants to speak up and gain confidence when expressing themselves. 4) To promote active citizenship: Our participants will be meeting the EC and EP respresentatives in Malta who will be providing information about the EU's strategy to assist people with dyslexia. In addition, they will also meet one of Malta's representatives in the European Parliament in order to discuss the role of a parliamentarian and how young people can have a more active role in society and politics. 5) To promote physical activity and sport: One of the challenges of this project is to keep the participants focused at all times - in order to do this we have to keep our youths interested in the programme. 6) To establish a better relationship between the participating organisations. Our project will include the following activities:- Introductory activities: these activities will be held on the first day and they include an introductory talk by the group leaders and a number of ice breaking games. - Discussions: we want to give our participants the opportunity to express themselves and realise that their opinions are valued by others. We want them to speak up and formulate their own thoughts about the subject being discussed. Aside from this self-empowering principle, we also know that through discussions our participants can learn a lot from each other. This is in fact one of the reasons why our organisations decided to apply for this youth exchange project. - Presentations: our project involves a presentation session that will also take place during the first day of the exchange. Basically the participants from each State will have to prepare a 15 minute presentation about their country. The presentation will include information about the history, culture and geography of the country amongst other interesting facts. This will provide the participants.Aside from the overriding aspect of self esteem, this project will also impact our participants in a number of ways. The following list includes what we believe are the most prominent implications of the programme of activities on these young people:1) Improvement in communication skills; 2) Encouragement to do sports activities;3) Better understanding of how to cope with dyslexia;4) Better understanding of how young people can lead active civic lives despite their conditions,5) Acquire knowledge about the employment opportunities in the EU. Ultimately, the end result of this project will be more empowered young people who have a stronger self esteem and a sense of self worth. People with dyslexia often suffer from a low self esteem and the activities of this project all intend to change this situation so that the individual starts to believe more in himself/herself and the essential contribution that they can give to the community in which they live in.
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