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Sharing experiences about prisoners LLL and employment after releasing

Grundtvig partnership is a real chance for us : about professional insertion after learning and training en prison, our common thematic, sharing our experiences in the LLL prisoners will help our organisations and our teachers and social workers to think about their practises. The final aim will be to help our learners, this specific public, to find the best solution about socioprofessional re-inclusion after the prison : a program of adult learning when they are back in the civil society, or a job.Sharing experience is the best way to progress.The mobilities will show each other how the different partners of the different countries take care about the professional insertion of the prisoners and ex : observation, identification et presentation of each partner’s practices, identification of one good practice in each country and testing of this good practice in each institution. So, visits of the different places, sharing of the learners, meetings with the learners and with the other partners who contribute to the final objective will be organised.
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1 Partners Participants