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"Severi" in Europe : Sev.EU - Training in Europe for a better school
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " SEV.EU -Training in EUROPE for a BETTER SCHOOL" stems from the overall need to promote the internationalization of teaching and educational activities at our school by improving its effectiveness and educational value. Strategic for the training of future 21st European citizens is considered the development of effective communication skills in the English language, through the use of new technologies and CLIL teaching methodology. As highlighted in the European Development Plan, there is a need to renew teachers’motivation to carry effective teaching practices, in the belief that an updated and motivated staff, open to Europe and its most significant issues in the field of education ,innovation and training, produce substantial and lasting benefits to the whole school .The project activities are pursuing multiple goals and objectives: their main aims are to broaden and strengthen the European dimension, by inserting them in a stable and durable didactic and organizational framework; to integrate knowledge and skills with new skills and strategies related to the participants’subject area ; to improve soft skills, organizational skills, the ability of carrying on "problem solving", team work and strategic cooperative work; to train educators capable of enhancing their students’ interest and motivation, so that they can learn to learn"; to improve teaching skills for a real Inclusion of disadvantaged and foreign students; to improve language skills and CLIL methodological procedure, deepen the methodological skills in the teaching of English, with particular attention to the use of ICT, the use of theatre and music, the most recent methodologies and practices, the inclusion of authentic material in the syllabus; to deepen significant cultural aspects of EU countries; to deepen cross-European issues such as active citizenship, integration, solidarity, volunteering; to compare the different educational and organizational systems, to observe and analyze in a comparative way different methodologies and teaching strategies in educational institutions from different European countries. Twelve “ mobilities “ have been planned and addressed to: teachers of all disciplines that have already activated or are training to practice CLIL teaching modules ; foreign language teachers interested in deepening updated aspects of the teaching of English and the culture of the English-speaking European countries ; teachers of all disciplines interested in comparing our school system and teaching practice with the systems and methods of European countries, teachers of all disciplines who want to train on European issues such as cross-active citizenship, integration, solidarity, volunteering, the morale and welfare of staff in schools. In all training activities teachers will acquire new knowledge and improve professional skills in order to conduct their teaching practice in an innovative and informed way, with a positive impact on the users. Specifically, participants will be engaged in: STRUCTURED COURSES on CLIL in which teachers of humanities and science will improve their language skills and methodology ; STRUCTURED COURSES on English LANGUAGE AND CULTURE/ on Methodology and TECHNIQUES in ELT: language teachers will consolidate their communicative competence in English in a cultural context, They will acquire strategies to enhance the use of cultural resources in their teaching practice and improve their overall skills in ELT. TRAINING SEMINARS FOR TEACHERS AND STUDY VISITS to INSTITUTES: participants will benefit from opportunities to meet and interact with leaders, experts, consultants and teachers of the European countries; they will experience an efficient and effective school culture, they will observe innovative and collaborative/ cooperative approaches for learning. Not only the participants but all the teachers, the educational institution and the students will benefit from the positive effects of the training activity . The results will be visible, accessible,transferable; they will be inserted into a formal and informal learning process, becoming part of the learning experience of everyone, in particular through the implementation in classes of the ideas learned during the training, through engaging practical activities. The results of the training activities will be disseminated through multiple events such as workshops with teachers of the school, the LEND, DEURE network ,sharing the produced materials on Etwinning .

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