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Setting-up an integrated communication platform for achieving a cultural community in the Alpine Space (Media.Alp)
Start date: Feb 29, 2004, End date: Feb 27, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MediaAlp is a vertical network focused on cultural sector as an economic factor for regional development. Its goal: support exploitation of the potential of identity resources towards economic, social, entrepreneurial development. Its an integrated set of actions aimed at setting up a common platform where stakeholders share and diffuse information: · within Alpine Space, promoting dialogue and exchange of knowledge among economic operators (providing them information on local resources, infrastructures, demand), local authorities, universities and media operators, with the aim of fostering cooperation and support integrated territorial development based on the exploitation of culture economy;· Externally, developing services and tools for circulation and spread of information centred on a Media Agency that integrates internet, radio and TV. Activities will concentrate on mountain areas although special attention will be paid to interaction with urban areas.

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  • 35.6%   701 375,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants