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Set the Stage

The Finnish epic poem the Kalevala and the ancient legend of the Galician King Breogan, the first settler of Ireland according to the mythical Leabhar Gabhála, serve as a basis for a common work whose culmination is a joint performance in which drama, music and poetry are included. Young teenagers of both countries research on each other’s myths – already present in their respective school curricula - , prepare the performance under the teachers’ supervision and rehearse together during the visits, developing a cooperative work while setting the stage for the show. The performances, which are meant to be a social event in both villages –Pontedeume and Juuka- will be video recorded for dissemination. The variety and richness of tasks, including basic research, acting, costume and decoration making and music playing, make the activity suitable for every kind of pupil, even the most disadvantaged, whose participation will be especially facilitated.

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