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‘Sessiz Hırsız Osteoporozda Bakım Uygulamalarının AB Boyutu’
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project?s name is ?The EU Level of Care Applications in Silent Burglar Osteoporosis?. One companion and 18 participant students from Güner Orbay Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School which was project coordinator actualized flow in Italy, one companion and 18 participant students from Sö?üt Ertu?rulgazi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School which was one of the our local partners actualized flow in Germany and one companion and 18 students from Bilecik ?bn-i Sina Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School which was our other local partner actualized flow in Denmark. Osteoporosis is common and important public health concern which impairs quality of life, restricts individuals physically, socially and psychologically. All over the world, approximately 200 million women face with osteoporosis problem. Osteoporosis influences the one-third of woman whose age range is between 50-70 and two third of woman whose age range is between and over 80. According to WHO data, after the cardiovascular diseases, Osteoporosis is on the second rank. According to International Osteoporosis Foundation researches, due to Osteoporosis, it is stated that new fractures occur every 30 seconds in Europe. According to TU?K 2010 data, the expected length of life of a woman is 73 years and it is predicted that this will be 75.5 years in 2020. Besides the old age problems, the woman who are approximately one-half of population, have to compete with problems encountered due to menopause. Osteoporosis which is known as bone thinning and increase frequency of disease with menopause is the pediatric disease which has geriatric results and costs. As old age population increases, the number of people who have Osteoporosis disease(bone thinning) is increasing gradually. The possibility of death which depends on Osteoporosis fractures is equal to the possibility of the death of the woman who are 50 years old and have breast cancer and also it is two and half times more than the possibility of the death of a normal woman. Over the last two decades, a fivefold increase is seen in femur fractures based on Osteoporosis in our country. 26 thousand 500 country wide people were scanned in the study which is done by Turkey Osteoporosis Association in 2011 and according to this study, there was Osteoporosis risk in one-half of a woman who are over 50 years of age and Osteoporosis was determined one-fourth of a woman. Average menopausal age is 51.4. Decreasing estrojen level together with menopause lead to structural and functional changes in all systems and organs which have estrojen effect. Unless these changes are intervened, they influence woman?s life and lead to problems. Osteoporosis one of the menopause complications which are the most important and have the high socio-economic costs. The main healthcare personnel are Emergency Medical Technicians and nurses who provide these individuals with health/emergency care services. There is the need for nurses and Emergency Medical Technicians who are educated, informed, skilled, experienced and sufficient in this field to provide Osteoporotic patients with emergency/nursing care. Thanks to the project, participants learned early diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation programs and attempt of emergency/nursing care in individuals who have Osteoporotic or Osteoporosis risk. Also, a contribution was made to the vocational education system and so information and equipment particular to this field were take part in this system. It is provided that participants gained competences about educating qualified and equipped Emergency Medical Technicians and nurses and employing of them. Besides that our participants gained information/skill/experience and competence particular to this field, the increase in their professional language/self-confidence/cross-cultural communication skills was provided. Thanks to our project and education in home countries, our participants benefited CD, booklet, visual materials and brief introduction films which involved emergency/nursing care applications particular to this field. Providing increasing the quality/length of life, providing socio-economic development of our country were aimed and these aims were reached by reflection of received education particular to this field in quality of treatment, care and rehabilitation services. Information and experiences shared by created CD, booklet, brief introduction films were important for advantage of health, education and service sector Settlement duration of the project was 21 days and its total duration was 12 months.
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5 Partners Participants