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servation of cultural heritage of the South Baltic Region (CRAFTLAND)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Nov 2, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project was developed because of the intention of the partners (Pruszcz Gdański - PL, Silute - LT and Foteviken - SE) to make their regions a more attractive place for tourists and citizens.The project aims to intensify intercultural dialogue and involve local communities in cross-border activities as well as preserve cultural heritage of the SBR. The region's competitiveness will be increased thanks to more efficient use of cultural heritage - the citizens and tourists will be familiarised with the history, art and customs of people of the SBR thanks to many cultural events jointly planned within the project and intensive experience and knowledge exchange. The project aims to increase historical awareness of local people and give them an occasion for intercultural dialogue and integration with their neighbours. Long-term cooperation between partners will be established and events with multi-annual perspective will be introduced. The project will be directed especially at the citizens of South Baltic Region and tourists but also employees of partner organisations will benefit from the project as well as general public. The project will consist of cross-border travelling cultural events: City Tournaments, Festival Markets and International Crafts and Folk Festivals organised in each partner country every year. Each event will be first introduced in one of the partner cities and then the idea will be transferred to another partner city next years. Such an approach will lead to very close cooperation between partners who will develop the ideas together, exchange them, visit the partners to take part in the events contributing their own cultural heritage and also welcome them in their own cities. Each event will be accompanied by partner meetings during which people engaged in the implementation of the project will be able to plan the activities together, exchange ideas and evaluate the events that have already taken place drawing conclusions from them. It will enable partners to learn by the method 'learning by doing' and increase integration between institutions of partner regions. The events will consist of different types of presentations of cultural heritage of the region - markets, historical reconstructions, concerts, old dance performances, regional food presentations as well as workshops for adults and children and contests engaging citizens and visitors. City Tournaments will involve teams from Pruszcz, Silute and Foteviken/Vellinge competing in different types of contests. The teams will consist of representatives of local sports clubs (especially youth) chosen in eliminations. The points will be summed up to create a city ranking. Such an intensive cross-border cooperation will lead to development of intercultural dialogue and creation of strong net of cooperation in the SBR and a common concept for more efficient use of the cultural heritage and successful promotion of the whole area. Achievements: The partners had a kick-off meeting during which they signed the partnership agreement and discussed all issues connected with coordination, management and promotion of the project. The Lead Beneficiary gave a presentation about general rules of the programme and eligibility issues. Steering group of the project was formed. Nine partner meetings and nine planning and evaluation meetings took place. Working group of the project and other representatives of partner institutions had a chance to discuss, integrate, exchange knowledge and experiences. Project website and facebook section are ready and constantly updated by the partners. Internal communication is working very well - partners are using phones, e-mails, Skype and website to communicate. Twelve editions of the newsletter were launched. Articles in local newspapers and on Internet websites as well as radio and TV releases reached the target group with information about the project and its activities. The first Crafts and Folk Festival took place in Silute, the second one took place in Pruszcz Gdański and the third in Fotevikens Museum. It was a great occasion for music groups from partner regions to meet, exchange good practices and perform together. During the first City Tournament in Pruszcz Gdański, the second one in Fotevikens Museum and the third one in Silute teams from partner regions chosen during eliminations also had a chance to meet and compete with each other. It was possible to intensify intercultural dialogue and fight with stereotypes and prejudices. Live transmission of the event on the Internet allowed more people to watch the competitions and cheer for representatives of local communities. The first Festival Market took place in Foteviken, the second took place in Silute and the last one in Pruszcz Gdański - craftsmen from Lithuania, Poland and Sweden presented their skills. Representatives of the Lead Beneficiary presented the project during the South Baltic Annual Event in 2012 and organised an archery contest for the audience. The LB and partners from Silute also took part in Gdańsk Tourism Fair in April 2013 and 2014 where they engaged the audience in bow shooting, clay workshops and music presentations and had a chance to spread information about project events. They also took part in Tourism Fair in Vilnius. The LB representatives also took part in South Baltic Edutainment event in Gdańsk where they organised archery contest, music performances and clay modelling presentations. The LB took part in Tourism Fair in Poznań and Leipzig promoting the project as well as in the celebration of Poland's 10th anniversary in EU. All the partners had an additional meeting on Bornholm with participation of other actors from South Baltic Region interested to cooperate within common projects in the next programming period.
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  • 81.5%   275 736,35
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants