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sentation of the wetlands of the Ipoly and the Danube from a nature protection viewpoint and the establishment of the crossborder Natura 2000 monitoring system (Presentation of the wetlands of the Ipoly and the Danube from a nature protection viewpoint and the establishment of the crossborder ’Natura 2000’ monitoring system)

The project is mainly aimed at setting up the Natura 2000 monitoring system in orderto facilitate the survey of wetlands in the Danube-Ipoly National Park. Researchactivities were assisted by the purchase of a fishing machine, a motor boat, a motorboattrailer, a jeep, and a canoe. The assessment of natural assets in the area includedcharting of wetlands, the monitoring of amphibians and reptiles, fish, birds, macrozooinvertebrates for the purpose of faunistic investigations. The results were summarizedin an integrated geographic information system database. Project partners havecreated two nature trails named Páskomlegelő (from Dejtár) and Apródok útja (fromDrégelypalánk) for which workbooks with maps were published in Hungarian and inSlovak. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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