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Senses and skills: enjoy Elbe through the five senses
Start date: May 2, 2015, End date: Aug 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Senses and Skills" promoted the development of skills in young people through the creation of a youth exchange, located in a territorial and social context that in addition to stimulating non-formal and informal learning of the participants will involve directly the local community. The project aimed at 40 young people from 14 to 18 years, balanced by gender, from 4 European countries (Italy, France, Spain, England) who will meet from July 7 to 17, in Elba Island (LI), hosted at the Camping Canapai Rio Marina. The objectives identified by the project have been: - Creating a community of cooperative learning that facilitates the construction of interpersonal relations and intercultural dialogue among peers and the development of emotional awareness; - Stimulating the participants to creatively express desires, abilities, skills and to participate responsibly in decisions concerning the activities of the project; - Producing a variety of learning experiences, through the activation of different sensory channels that broadens the participants’ cultural horizons, their desires of knowledge, their communication and environemntal skills. - Assist and support young people in the identification and recognition of their learning styles in the development of self-assessment. The natural and social environment of the island offered participants a plurality of meaningful learning experiences and allow the same community to enrich the contributions and skills of young people involved in the project. The exchange provided both activities that enable participants to identify and develop their inner resources, that socialization of these capabilities thanks to the encounter / confrontation with the local community. All the activities of non-formal education, planned and managed by educators and young people (for example, the activities to develop mutual knowledge, those in direct contact with nature, the sharing of languages and team building, games and workshops) aimed to the development of skills. These activities have been developed togheter with the participants, starting with the record of their expectations and abilities, from the preparation stage of the project, with the aim of fostering their leadership and the expression of interests and skills. On the other hand, community involvement has been realized by proposing exploration of the territory from different perspectives (natural, historical, cultural, economic) with the collaboration of institutions, associations and local manufacturers. Participants had the opportunity to learn, through practical experience, about the natural environment of the Island(the recognition of animal and plant species). All materials collected and created by the youngsters have been daily loaded by participants on the website created for the exchange, which has been the diary of the experience, and has become a tale of many voices and in multiple languages, about Island of Elba. The project had an impact at the local level since it arised the number of citizens (especially young people, parents and local administrators) aware of the value that the projects of youth exchange may represent in the learning process and in building a European dimension of citizenship.
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