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Sense of community
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sense of community was a project that took up the theme of norms and etiquette. We dived into this theme together with 60 participants from Finland, Macedonia, Ireland, Romania and Italy. The projects exchange took place in Järvenpää, Finland in June 2015. We met different norms by introducing people carrying them (the live library). The live library was also introduced in our Kerava-day where people from public could talk to the different books. We brought an etiquette show into the Kerava city center as an flash mob and organized our own etiquette party on the last evening. How do the norms and etiquette form when spending time togehter in a camp site? Is there some norms that we share after a week of living together? We will also explore how our behaviour supports some norms in the community. And how can we change our behaviour. On the last days of our exchange we recognized a long list of norms that were developed into our project and by just living together in a community. All the participants agreed that with our own behaviour we can change the norms in our surroundings. Some norms are good and we need them in order to have a safe environment in our communities. But we create the norms together and can also change the norms by acting differently. As we have taken the theme of norms and etiquette as the main target in the project. Our aim was that our participants will grow during the project and learn to recognize different norms around them. As a participant you will grow as persons to act towards the values and norms that you want to support and create in your own community after the project.
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5 Partners Participants