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Senior Citizens Voluntary Work - Intarnational Transfer of Knowledge and Ideas

The project consists of the international exchange of volunteers 50+ from The Netherlands and Poland. Main foundation of the project is mutual education and skill-sharing between volunteers, local society and partner organizations in order to establish long-lasting cooperation. With this project we want to initiate the permanent program of senior citizens exchange as an educational tool for raising social awareness, breaking negative stereotypes and strengthening interpersonal bonds to build a solidary Europe. The project assumes four 3-weeks visits for 12 volunteers (6 from Netherlands, 6 from Poland). Ultimate choice of volunteers will be preceded by consultations between partners through e-mails, phones or videoconferences. Volunteers profile will be adjusted to the type of performed non-profit work using questionnaires and interviews. We’ll consider seniors' interests, knowledge and needs, providing equal chances. Seniors will participate in the meetings informing about the project’s assumptions (work type, rights, obligations), socio-cultural conditions of the whereabouts. We’ll organize language courses for volunteers if necessary. Every volunteer will have an English-speaking mentor, to look after the senior and monitoring his/her work in cooperation with both organizations. After the project there will be the evaluation of project activities, the use and dissemination of results through our websites, media, meetings.
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1 Partners Participants