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„Семейното фермерство в Белгия и Холандия- изучаване на добри европейски практики с цел развитие на устойчиво животновъдство в подкрепа на бъдещите български фермери”
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to familiarize the beneficiaries with European models for sustainable and competitive farming, agricultural education in schools, the use of traditional and innovative agricultural practices in Belgium and the Netherlands. Our students learned new competencies for the profession of "Veterinary Technician", improved and developed their practical knowledge and skills using the method learning by doing in a real working environment. Their participation in the project has helped them to improve their motivation and independence in carrying out various activities, to acquire new knowledge and competencies in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry, to acquire another look at entrepreneurship and farm businesses. Our teachers were introduced to new innovative methods and approaches in teaching vocational training, good environmental farming practices, the organization of veterinary services, found out similarities and differences in the systems of bio- and livestock farm in our country and the partner countries. All users have gained invaluable experience to the organization in livestock farms, the use of IT software, automation and robotics in them. They improved their foreign language competence, developed personal and professional qualities. The beneficiaries were 20 students, at the age of 17-19 from PGVM who are trained for the profession of "Veterinary technician" and 10 beneficiaries from the staff- teachers of vocational subjects at school. The main activities implemented under the project were: - establish a project team with clearly defined responsibilities and obligations; - conduct information activities for the school/students, teachers, parents, local community for the project objectives; - activities for pre-selection of beneficiaries; - signing Memorandum of Understanding and contracts with the receiving organizations; - conduct linguistic and pedagogical training; - preparation of mobility; - selection of beneficiaries after conducting tests to determine their language level and pedagogical training; - signing a contract with all beneficiaries taking part in the mobility; - conducting mobility; - monitoring of the training places by sending and host school; - prepare a report and a questionnaire for the beneficiary satisfaction; - dissemination of project results and preparation of final reports; - preparation a final report to HRDC; The project has a strong positive impact on all participants. The students have gained invaluable experience and increased their motivation for professional growth and will have better chances for career development and success. The participating teachers raise their professional qualification; develop new competencies that will not only used in specific work with students, but also the training of people engaged in agriculture of different ages. The beneficiaries acquired the following certificates: Europass Mobility document; for language preparation and teacher training; ECVET. These documents will give priority to students over other candidates for the realization of the labor market in their future profession. They will be added to each teacher’s portfolio that describes his/her professional development as part of the attestation of teachers.

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