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Security management in multi-radio networks (SECURINET)
Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Mar 31, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Spurred by the emergence of new networking technologies (Wifi, 3G,bluetooth, Wimax enabled technologies) and the advance of generalized eCommerce frameworks, interest has move towards the development of a global solution that interconnect in a secure manner changing set of mobile clients, services and networks. This construction of Internet-scale applications introduces a new set of challenges consisting in designing and implementing usable private/public secure systems deployed over planetary networks, including large-scale multi-radio networks. In order to ensure fundamental security properties (i.e., confidentiality, integrity and availability) of such a system, we propose a novel Multi-Radio enabled Distributed Security Operation Center (MR-DSOC) that targets applications deployed in multiple networks environment. The proposed system aims to improve the detection of misuses and minimizes the amount of damages caused by attacks. Special care will be put on providing a solution adapted to multi-radio networks; this topic remaining neglected by research community despite the certain socio-economic potential of multi-radio based applications and services. In order to deal with the limitations of multi-radio networks (heterogeneity, topology dynamicity, high churn rate), we propose a novel MR-DSOC which is optimally based on an event-based monitoring and communication component. This innovative approach renders our SOC more adaptable to network failure, less vulnerable to attacks due to its distributed nature, and capable of detecting any attack/intrusion which is coordinated and originated from dispersed sites."
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