Search for European Projects

Search for traces - Auf Spurensuche
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„Search for Traces“. The project’s title refers to different areas. Search for traces 1: The trainees‘ task is to see their own company from a Spanish perspective. When they do their internship in the Spanish company they should try to find a new supplier for the company. This supplier should be their own company. Their task is to detect their own company with the help of English and Spanish websites. Then they should write an enquiry to their own company to receive information on product range, prices and terms and conditions. Afterwards the trainees plan a business trip for a Spanish businessman to their own company. According to that the students examine how the own company can be found by potential Spanish customers. Search for traces 2: Another important point of the project is concerned with the differences and similarities of the companies in Spain and Germany. The trainees should examine those differences and similarities with regard to operating cycles, contact to customers and suppliers and marketing of a company. Moreover the participants should study which things their own company can learn from the Spanish company. Search for traces 3: The third part of the project is concerned with the traces the German trainees leave in the Spanish companies. The students list how the Spanish companies can benefit from their professional experience and knowledge. When the trainees have returned to Germany they will present their results in a power point presentation. The presentation will be attended by the other trainees, the Leonardo team, representatives of the German companies, our school’s administration and the local press. Interested students of our school are also invited. The trainees also present their results during our open house day in January 2015. In addition the presentations are published on our school’s website and in the local press.

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