Search for European Projects

Search, Find, Use

At present the "CTU" ("Chercher? Trouver! Utiliser..." – Search, Find, Use) search engine for teachers and learners references 7000 exercises according to various search methods and criteria.This project consists in:1) referencing these 7000 exercises in FR, EN, DE, and BG according to the 30 competences in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (European Language Portfolio);2) referencing the same 7000 exercises in FR, EN, DE, and BG according to the list of key competences in working situations (CCSP), which is being used more and more frequently;3) categorising all the teaching aids and their specific sections according to the EQF (European Qualifications Framework);4) integrating 3000 exercises from new teaching aids into the search engine references using all the criteria (including the Portfolio chart and the CCSP).The project is intended for teachers and learners who wish to place language skills and key competences in recognised reference frameworks and to find exercises which will help them to achieve this aim.The exercises exist in the languages most commonly taught in Europe.

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