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Search Engine Marketing
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The implementation of this project proposal entitled: «Search Engine Marketing» regards training students from the 1st EPAL Korydallou in the specialties of Informatics and Economic - Management. The program will cover theoretical training of scientific staff of the host organization. Additionally, there will are scheduled visits to companies for internships and cultural visits. The training program was designed according to the characteristics and needs of participants in order to obtain the specialized knowledge required in relation to online marketing, so in conjunction with the received practical skills and attitudes required by their specialty, to become competitive and able to pursue and achieve their integration into the labor market. In the proposed project we expect to achieve multiplier effects and benefits, both for participants and for their external parties involved. This gives added value to the proposal, contributing to the development of the European dimension in vocational training and vocational guidance and disseminates the importance of mobility programs and transfer of European culture in the sending country. The training needs of students covered by this plan are directly related and relevant to the needs of the labor market, focusing on the following: * Online marketing items, * Presentation of the benefits of every kind and the best application for it, * Optimizing their websites for better visibility in search engines, * Implementation of an upgrade plan. The plan is expected to involve 44 students in two streams, which for a period of two (2) weeks will be going in Cyprus and Spain. The flows will be implemented in February 2015 and October 2014 respectively, upon request of the sending institution (1st EPAL Korydallou) with the host institutions (EDEX - Intercollege και MOVEU). The planned duration of staying abroad is satisfactory and will meet the educational needs of the participants to gain the necessary knowledge on the subjects of projection through search engines while enhancing intercultural characteristics of the program. With the approval of the proposed project, our organization intends to organize a series of activities that will involve the preparation phase (publicity, collection requests to participate, a structured interview, etc.), the implementation phase (going abroad, theoretical training, internships businesses) and the phase after the end of training (assessment, dissemination of results, administrative documents to the National Unit of the Erasmus +). By the end of the project, the trainees are expected to gain valuable experience and important skills identified in the following results: * to enrich their knowledge on recent developments in the field of network marketing, * to work in an environment with different technologies and expertise, * to practice and perfect a foreign language, * to experience a different culture, * to increase their chances of finding work in Greece or in some foreign country. After the end of the main implementation activities of the mobility, for the proposed project, the expected impact for the participants will be to gain knowledge and skills for the training subject, strengthening self-esteem, active participation in society, develop critical thinking, personal development while strengthening European citizenship. The project has an impact on partner organizations where participants carry information about the needs of local labor markets and the opportunity for networking and further exchange of experiences in similar bodies. Finally, the impact on groups - aimed at creating incentives identified in the wider local community to participate in lifelong learning activities and exploiting opportunities to participate in educational activities to enhance knowledge and skills of the participants and ensure their professional experiences and personal development. The proposed mobility will bring significant long-term benefits both at the individual level and in the general developmental level, contributing to the added value of local and regional development, by investing in human capital, proven productivity growth of the field of network marketing because of the successful training of the participants and to eliminate disparities by promoting equal opportunities for men and women.
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