European Projects
Seagull II: Strengthening institutional structures.. (Seagull II)
Seagull II: Strengthening institutional structures and spatial development capacities of Euroregion Baltic
(Seagull II)
Start date: Jun 5, 2005,
End date: Dec 4, 2007
The central objective is to enhance institutional capacities of ERB by streamlining its networking, benchmarking and communication activities, in order to be able to become an important player in the BSR. The other key objective remains to assist regional and local authorities around the South-East BSR in the implementation of JDP and be considered a forefront economic growth region in EU. In detail, the objectives of the project are to:Establish permanent cooperative ERB networks of professionals within the five areas of infrastructure, rural development, innovation and SME development, labour market cooperation, and environment and energy; Improve capacities to develop and manage larger projects by creating project development teams; Develop internet-based communication facility; Establish a common database enabling benchmarking activities;Facilitate exchange of best practices among civil servants in ERB; Increase ERB politicians and civil servants' knowledge of EU policies relating to JTDP;Improve ERB good governance capacities; Promote ERB through developing transferable models, publication of project results, organising conferences and e-seminars.Regional authorities of Denmark (Bornhom), Lithuania (Klaipeda), Poland (Pomorskie and Warminsko-Mazurskie), Sweden (Blekinge, Kalmar and South Smaland) and Russia (Kaliningrad Oblast) joined in the project. The composition reflects cooperation within ERB, and follows the transnational set-up of the Seagull devERB.The project will result in strengthening ERB institutional structures by means of establishing a common cooperation platform, which will make the implementation of JDP more coherent and in line with EU policies and programmes. With the aid of modern communication and benchmarking systems, as well as with more competent and aware politicians and personnel, ERB will be able to assist its member regions, peripheral so far, in gaining more central position in the development policies and strategies implemented in the South-East Baltic Region. Achievements: 5 reference networks of experts, politicians and ERB staff on five JDP areas; the reference networks will turn into ERB permanent cooperative structures;5 project development teams who will submit 5 project applications within the five JTDP areas; project development teams will be temporary project-based structures, delegated ad hoc by the permanent reference networks to deal with specific problems/JTDP activities;Communication e-facility system operating in ERB regions, which will enable cost-effective and efficient way of communicating internally and externally;ERB Benchmarking Database, as an extension of the ERB website, as a technical tool facilitating the identification of problems relating to ERB JDP and the development of projects aimed at solving these problems;1 transferable model developed as a manual of the construction process of ERB, which can serve as an example of the "from vision to action approach", supported by initial political commitment, legal agreements, improved knowledge of EU Policies and finally by enhanced organisational capacities.