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Se former à l'international à d'Estournelles de Constant
Start date: Jun 30, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in a rural area, where the employment for young people is a complex question and where the educational curriculums are limited. In order to increase the future opportunities of our students, our school mission statements for 2009-2013 and 2013-2017 have identified International Mobilities as a key element for the improvement of the educational curriculum. Thus, we opened a CLIL class in Spanish/History and Geography in 2011. Our next objective is to open a CLIL class in English, in september 2015. Therefore we need to provide our volunteer teachers with linguistic and pedagogical training in order to consolidate their skills and prepare them for the French certification in CLIL Teaching (DNL Certification). The two candidates are involved in this project. They will be informed and guided in order to find european partnerships with e-twinning and the possibility to be involved in a future strategic partnership by our referent teacher for international mobilities (Eraie). The long term objective is to provide CLIL classes in in more than one foreign languages. These will have an impact on the image of our school thanks to the improvement of the curriculums. The teachers will be motivated as they will broaden their knowledge, improve their language skills and use them for a new challenging direction in their professionnal carreers through LifeLong learning. The students will benefit from this project as they will have the opportunity to use the languages in order to communicate in specialized sujects and this will improve their future employability on the job markets as well as their future higher education opportunities.
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