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Sculpture for Health-care: Interaction and Virtual Art in 3D (SHIVA)
Start date: Apr 30, 2010, End date: Jan 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SHIVA proposes to use artistic activities to help people recover autonomy after traumas. Partners will develop ICT-based technologies which will be used by individuals – with or without impairments – to design sculptures to be physically manufactured.SHIVA brings together two regional academic partners, each reputable for scientific research, and two medical partners with a demonstrated practical impact on society health-care. It exploits complementary skills between UK and French partners, and also between technical academic and medical structures.These computer-aided sculpture tools create optimal user interaction and go far beyond what could be reached in real-life sculpture. In addition to that, they offer creative outputs to patients with very little mobility, such as tetraplegics, who suffer a lot from a lack of autonomy. Partners will first produce modeling exercises before extending to generic interaction sets for all of the exercises. They will then do medical tests and evaluate the effects of these activities on the users. Expected Results: What are the key results of the project?The main result of the project will be an integrated workflow that combines a library of shapes (that is used as an input for the modeling system, and also for storing the result of modeling exercices), a 3D printing system compatible with the shape description file format and an interactive application for modeling. In that latter application, one can define and execute exercices (in our terminology, an exercice is a set of configuration elements (set of shapes, colors, visual organization of the working screen, distractors set in order to make task more complex for patients, etc...)) that specialises the interactive modeling application, and makes it either adapted to creativity, or rehabilitation/exercicing.The application will be combined to an interaction middleware that will allow the application to be connected to a very large set of interaction devices. Such a framework, adapted from previously existing results in the HCI community, will be easy to adapt to the specific project context.Are all partners and territories benefitting from the results?Target groups will differ, of course, depending on the project results. Through dissemination, and because our work is primarily IT work (which is known for being quite easily reproduced), potential dissemination and reusability of the project results is great and therefore, potentially every structure in the area may benefit from the project results who deal with children with disabilities and/or people that have brain vascular accidents. Each territoriy gains equal benefit from the results, as they are easily reproduced with little effort.What are the effects / outcomes for the territories involved?Territories will gain a reproducible IT system that:- enhance the cognitive (and in some cases physical) rehabilitation service for certain social groups, with certain conditions, as they will be able to create shapes which, for some, is not possible or at least very difficult.- provides enhanced accesibility to the tool for the target groups because of the interactive middleware that will be used as a foundation platform for the software.- extends the range of exercices available to teachers and rehabilitation centres.- will further the technological innovation in the field of virtual geometry and 3D modeling which may have other applications that could be realised in the project.
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  • 48.5%   808 681,00
  • 2007 - 2013 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants