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Science and Mathematics Advanced Research for good Teaching
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The SMART (Science and Mathematics Advanced Research for good Teaching) Project is proposed by the "Carlo Anti" School Institution in cooperation with an international partnership composed of other vocational schools, some universities and representatives of the world of work. The aims of the project are: - to improve the professional competences and to support innovation in the teachers' system of training through pedagogical solutions and innovative practices based on the new computer and multimedia technologies; - to provide tools and methodologies to facilitate the acquisition of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skills - mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology - through discussion and sharing with European partners and by introducing advanced technological tools in the teaching of mathematics and science to support learning; - to develop skills which can be used in order to contribute to a cohesive society, in particular to increase opportunities for learning mobility and through strengthened cooperation between the world of education and training and the world of work, formulating and solving complex problems autonomously, consciously and constructively. This project is innovative because it inserts the ICT skills in the discipline of Mathematics and Science. In particular, it adopts ACE in learning Mathematics and testing and assessment systems that supports complex, free-form entry of equations and intelligent evaluation of responses, ideal for STEM education. Moreover, it makes use of blended modalities in teaching and learning and promotes the use of the Living Lab methodology. In order to facilitate the learning of Science, we must promote the practice of laboratory, seen as a place especially equipped with materials and tools, but above all as a place where you can experiment with new ways of working to stimulate curiosity and wonder, to encourage experimentation and planning skills, critical thinking and the scientific method to integrate disciplinary knowledge. The applicant school institution, in cooperation with the General Directorate for School Regulations and Autonomy of the Italian Ministry of Education, has chosen the most appropriate partners for the acquisition of new skills through innovative tools and methodologies and the exchange of good practices. The "Carlo Anti" School Institution has been taking part in the PP&S Project since 2012 and is also carrying out the LS OSA Project, providing their know-how and the experiences. The universities involved in the SMART Project will contribute to its implementation as follows: TU Delft University (Netherlands), Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and the University of Turin (Italy) will work in particular on Mathematics and ACE with the implementation of e-learning platforms with the Suite Maple software, social learning environments, web conference systems; the University of Roma Tre (Italy) and the Accademia delle Scienze (Italy) will operate on Science and try to create new teaching resources by working on a common format for the teaching of science with the promotion of laboratory education. Confindustria will contribute to the project indicating the needs of the world of work to get human resources prepared to face the job market with a “problem solving” approach, supported by skills and abilities in the use of information technology to improve the entrepreneurial competences. On its completion, they will validate the project results. The other schools (the Hungarian Radnoti School and the German St. Thomas Gymnasium), who have already been partners of the applicant in previous European projects, will be a first reference sample for the testing of the new practices and the outcomes of the SMART project in view of the targets set by the Europe 2020 Program for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Communication with the partner organizations and with the stakeholders will be done through: - webinar, meetings , conferences and workshops. The meetings will take place both in presence (six meetings in two years’ work) and through webinars, by making use of the platform of the Italian Ministry of Education - General Directorate for School Regulations and Autonomy (, implemented within the National PP&S Project (2012-2014). The results expected during the project and on its completion are: - exchange of good practices - increase of the professional competences of teachers and consequently an improvement of the students' competences - production of innovative teaching modules for secondary school students in Mathematics, Science and ICT. - a web international portal for the access to a collaborative platform in order to share tools, best practices and results. The SMART Project is expected to result in the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices at organizational, local, regional and European levels.

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