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Schülermobilität London - Getting International
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project enables in total 40 commercial students from the vocational school in Bad Tölz to participate at a three week intensive course at the ECBM in London. All students are currently training in one of the following professions (banking, industrial clerks, commercial clerks, tax adviser assistants, retailers) All students have to work in a growing international environment as their companies are part of the global market. (e.g. international markets, worldwide suppliers, international co-operatoins, worldwide subsidiaries/branches) Therefore students must also be able to handle complex worksituatiuons in a forgein language, mainly English. In their company stundents are regularly confrontetd with English speaking customers and correspondence in English. Therfore proficiency of the English language becomes more and more a basic qualification for these young people. Job satisfaction and further career developments also depend on this skill. Aim of the stay in London is to support job qualifications and to help the students to acquire certificates that will help them with their further career. Secondly, the stay aims to improve the English language abilities of the students and to acquire intercultural awareness and basic intercultural skills. Through their stay at the ECBM and the acquired certificates they are able to gain an advantage for applications in their own company or at other companies after they have finished their training. Furthermore the stay abroad should motivate the students to take up a job in a forgein country and support the European spirit. While at the college the students will learn theoretical knowledge about their job which is also part of the national curriculum but it will be broadend by an international perspective. There will be a written and oral exam about the contents of the course. For that they will get different certificates which are also acknowleged by the DIHK. During their stay in London the students live with a host family which will enable them to get an insight into the English culture as well as the daily London life. Living with a host family own their own will also improve their everyday Englsih skills. Because of improved English skills, better knowledge about the theoretical background of their jobs and the acquired intercultural skills it is expected that the students will have better chances on the European job market a swell as a higher motivation to work abroad.
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