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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school CDP San Bartolom after analysing the training needs of our school has decided to participate in a School Education Erasmus+ project. The project will involve 8 teachers selected from of all educational stages in order to acquire key skills for the qualitative development of our school.In this sense, our teachers will participate in four training events at European level:- "Educational Coaching" organized by iDevelop in Krakow (Poland). The course duration is 6 days and will take place in June 2017. In the course our selected teachers will understand the principles of coaching that will help to promote the personal development of the student.- "More Europe in Your School" organized by iDevelop in Krakow (Poland). The course duration is 6 days and will take place in July 2017. In the course our selected teachers will learn about practical ways of incorporating eTwinning into teaching and ways of working with international partners.-Course Content and Language Integrated Learning taught by English Matters in Leeds (United Kingdom). The duration will be 6 days in June 2018. In the course our teacher will know the tools necessary for the implementation of this specific methodology of teaching and learning of second languages.-Course New Learning Environments by Edukarjala in Joensuu (Finland). The duration will be 6 days in July of 2018. The course will enable our teachers to develop technical skills to incorporate any technology in their classes and they will be able to create active learning experiences the aim of which will be to awaken the motivation and participation of students in class with confidence.In the long run what we intend to achieve with our project is not only the impact on persons participating in mobility, but the rest of team of teachers and all the students of the different educational stages.In this sense, our school will integrate into its education policy participation in European projects in all educational stages. This undoubtedly will lead our students to develop a sense of European citizenship and respect for other cultures, moreover, improve their level of English and promote the learning of new languages.The new implemented methodologies will begin to offer positive results translated into better academic results of students.Teachers that have developed a need to update regularly as professionals and will continue to expand their knowledge of English and perhaps other European languagesIn short, our school will be modernised in terms of the methodologies used and will be open and ready for all types of international projects.
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