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School libraries as learning centres - Slamit 7
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The course that is applied for is called Slamit 7: School libraries as learning centers; Making a difference - sharing best practice and wil take place in Croatia 1th. to 5th. May 2017. The course is intended to promote cooperation between the countries that participate and in addition to promote new digital techniques, social media and learning technology.In Brekkuskóla is a strong emphasis on e-learning and we want to prepare our students well for the future. Therefore, we offer students a variety of studies in the School library and Learning Center. We are opneminded for new learning technology and methods in education. We want our students to achive their best and we want to help them to become happy and strong individuals. To achive these goals Brekkuskóli applies for funding for ICT teacher to take part in Slamit7, School libraries as learning centres: Making a difference - sharing best practice, and disseminate this knowledge to other teachers in Brekkuskóli.
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