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School internationalization and use of tablets in education
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "School internationalization and use of tablets in education" is a result of the need to use new technologies and teaching methods and integrate this activities in projects of international collaboration with partner schools. It is a project that will be carried out within a year, from June 2015 until June 2016. For that purpose our school decided to select 2 participants for the course "How to make your school more international" (13-19 March 2016, Spain) and 2 participants for the course "Tap-Swipe-Pinch, General use of tablets" (6-12 March 2016). Courses are provided by Euneos. Participants involved are teachers in our school. Gordana Gecheska (Chemistry teacher and Vice-Principle) and Andrijana Chichevalieva (French teacher) have experience in international projects and are expected to acquire competences for international and intercultural communication after participating on the course "How to make your school more international". Biljana Kumpanioska (ITC teacher and Certified Microsoft Expert) and Roza Nikodinovska Majstorovikj have experience in managing projects with use of ITC- tools in education (gamification) and are expected to further develop their competences on the use of tablets in teaching and learning. Before the courses, there will be intense communication between participants and the course provider via e-mail and videoconferencing. Main activities of this project consist of acquiring knowledge and skills on how to manage international projects for KA2 Strategic partnerships and how to create and carry out activities for such international projects. The courses will offer possibility to find partners for collaboration on international projects. Participants will also develop qualifications on how to implement this activities in the long term school policy and will set up a coordinator and a team for internationalization. The activities that our school wants to carry out in international projects will consist of use of tablets in teaching and learning and participants involved will develop skills on how to motivate students to become active participants in the learning process. Experiences and knowledge about innovative methods, such as Flipped classroom, new approaches to paperless classrooms, collaborative creation of documents and sharing the outcomes in one place will be developed by the participants and upon return shared with teachers and students. We expect that this project will have a significant impact on our school in a way that it will become more opened for international collaboration. Our students will have the possibility to learn from more qualified teachers that will guide them trough the learning process and inspire them to be innovative and to develop critical thinking. We consider that our students will be motivated to solve problems and to cope with challenges with the use of new technologies. On long term there will be impact in internationalization of the school as this would be a starting point for partnerships with schools from Europe that, we hope will result with international projects and intercultural exchange of good practices.
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