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ObjectivesThe project intends to supply an answer to the problem of school drop outs, starting from indepth analysis of the data, the motivations causing the phenomenon and the strategiesimplemented to overcome it in the various national countries. It aims at developing acommon strategy at European level, which valorises the best national practices in the field, tocreate an e-learning based training course for secondary teachers that provide them with thenecessary skills and competence to identify pupils at risk and prevent their early abandoningof compulsory school.Activities- carrying out of surveys in each of the countries involved in order to acquire a deeperunderstanding of the national contexts, to identify the main tendencies concerning schooldrop outs and the relative strategies in place to overcome this phenomenon at Europeanlevel.- carrying out of a trans-national based discussion, which involves teachers and experts inorder to identify and use the successful cases to formalise a possible integrated proposal ofintervention, which valorises the best national practices in the field and to agree a commonstructure of a training initiative aimed at teachers to give them the necessary skills to preventschool drop outs.- developing and testing of the training materials aimed at transmitting the necessary skills toschool teachers so that they know how to identify and prevent the risk factors, which lead tostudents dropping out of school.Expected Results- Availability of a collection of data fostering the comprehension of the different nationalcontexts of the countries involved, the causes and consequences of the school drop outsphenomenon are concerned, validating the most effective strategies and intervention carriedout to tackle the problem and making them available to teachers and policy makers.- Availability for the European educational systems of a common strategy for theidentification, prevention and tackling of the risk factors that lead to school drop outs basedon the best practices identified at European level and taking the form of a training curriculafor teachers.- Availability of training materials, which will be developed according to most successfulstrategies at European level validated by experts and teachers working cooperatively attrans-national level in order to make secondary school teachers acquire the necessary skillsto identify and deal with pupils that show potential problems leading to early school abandon.
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