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SCHOOL IN MOVEMENT: enjoying wealth being in good health!
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project takes place in a context of modern industrial societies where more and more young people suffer from problems related to rapid growth, sedentary life, drug and alcohol abuse, feeding disorders. This European project aims to make participants aware of these problems, mitigate the adverse effects of unhealthy habits, improve their lifestyle and prevent future pathologies; educate them, both at the physical and psychological levels, in the importance of a balanced diet, enable them to deal with situations that may lead to imbalance. The project also wants to develop awareness that sport and nutrition are essential for the proper maintenance and growth of the performance and capabilities of an individual, providing information about anatomy, physiology, body posture in order to establish future healthy habits, the opening of the mind, new ways of working and living, the collaboration beyond the limits of the Erasmus+ life, a critical approach to different lifestyles, the sharing of experiences beyond local boundaries, the creation of national nets to put in practice what has been learnt from the project. Besides, the project will be a frame where students will have to express themselves in another language or in their mother tongue to improve their language skills, improve their skills in the use of ITC and in the responsible use of social networks and develop attitudes of understanding and respect for the cultural differences that make up Europe. The most relevant topics and priorities of the project are: health and well being, inclusion-equity, school improvement and development, promotion of healthy life styles, promotion of young people’s social inclusion and well being. We will work with near 500 students between 14 and 19 years old and we intend to move 99 students and 27 teachers to participate in four international meetings During the project life we will launch a blog in each country and a common website, develope nutrition activities, research on sedentary habits, write decalogues of the healthy eating habits and of good sporting habits, write a “ School in Movement” Health booklet and guidebook for a healthy life, create Top Ten Sports Questionnaires, a Video and an online comic on traditional European sports and games prepare Top Sports Presentations, videoconferences and leagues of all schools and organize “ School in Movement” Races and Sports and Health day. We will also launch a Chess Club, a “School in Movement” Chess Tournament and annual chess magazines. Our teachers will prepare PE Teaching Units of postural health and ergonomics in sports and our students will even research on Town Hall sport planning with interviews, internal debates and meetings with the mayor of the city council. Coordination will be ensured through the use of e-mail, sharing documents online, a Facebook group and page to keep in touch, a common web page, the main ITC tools such as Skype, web cams, telephone, fax, local blogs, newsletters once a term, Erasmus Clubs and Walls. Coordinators who will inform the school boards on the project, coordinate the relevant school performance, organize the meetings, involve the students and parents, the exchange of school calendars to include changes in school planning, the distribution of tasks, division and control of activities in periods, control of the implementation of the project, creation of a budget control sheet, elaboration of spending proposal, evaluation session of each meeting, evaluation of the progress of the partnership, booklets to measure the impact of activities on students and teachers, questionnaires on ongoing activities, reports to the coordinator, observation of participation, final evaluation through reports from each school, virtual meetings to handle the project, establishing of a project Commission to establish the criteria to select students for the mobilities, suggestion on technical problems that might arise, creation of a common file with the dissemination activities, checklist of students, questionnaire on the common website to see the assessment of the school community in each country. From all this it follows that our project is a promotion of actions focused on encouraging a way of thinking, feeling and behaving that maximize the ability to live in equilibrium with the physical, biological and socio-cultural environment laying the foundation for a full future life. Our proposal tries to settle the basis for a future collaboration beyond the limits of the Erasmus + life. Our target is to create a sport & health European school net which can endure to encourage our students to open their mind to new ways of working and life, feel the need to and see the advantages of collaborating and sharing experiences beyond local boundaries.

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