Search for European Projects

School European Professional Development
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a school from a very deprived area of the UK with a high percentage of FSM, EAL and disadvantaged families. Through this program, it is our intention to upskill our staff's knowledge and understanding of languages, pedagogy and educational philosophies from round Europe. By fulfilling this program, we are extremely confident that the impact on our school, both for staff and the pupils will be significant and positive.The school is now in a position to move forward in developing our links with our European neighbours. This follows our recent Ofsted inspection which categorises the school in very good and stable position. As Headteacher I am looking to develop the skills and attributes of all of our staff which in turn will have a long and positive impact on the children in our care.Through the project, I aim to include 12 staff members over a 2 year period to receive quality training opportunities within Europe that will enhance and develop their skills. As a Headteacher, I will ensure all of our senior staff understake management training to further their knowledge and understanding of educational initiatives, strategies and policies.The primary aim of this project is to upskill the use of european languages within our school to meet the needs of our strategic plan and vision. By undertaking this project, there will be enhanced benefits for both the staff, the pupils and the wider community. We aim to share our experiences with other local schools and to engage the local community in learning and understanding more about our european neighbours. All staff will cascade their experiences to the rest of the school and I will ensure that other local schools and the community are fully involved in learning about promoting european languages and practices.There are many positives that I forsee as a result of being involved in this project that will benefit our entire staff, community and pupils. The impact on our school will contribute to improved knowledge, understanding an appreciation of other cultures and beliefs, that in turn will contribute to making our school even more successful.

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