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School development and teaching improvement
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 1° High School "Archimede" has a school population of 824 pupils aged 14 to 19 years, 103 teachers and 32 staff. Our school provides a very important possibility of training for young people and the intellectual and social development of our territory. The school is located in a small town, Rosolini, located at the extreme southern part of Sicily, in an area devoted mainly to agriculture and crafts with high emigration in Europe and and a significant presence of immigrants from the Mediterranean Area. The school is located in an area declared at risk with strong immigration process. The training plan has the main objective to improve the action of teaching and training by promoting innovative ways of learning and teaching through new technologies, digital content and foreign language. To raise the level of learning of the students and, more generally, to improve the quality of the school system, it is essential the professional development of school staff through appropriate training and skills upgrading. In addition, the project includes the following objectives: - Strengthen the European dimension of education - Encourage the development of innovative teaching practices - Strengthening the quality of teaching and learning by improving the skills of the pupils -promote a process of modernization and internationalization of the school -encourage interest in learning foreign languages - promote mobility activities abroad -increase motivation and satisfaction in their daily work -strengthen the position of the school and obtain advantages in terms of its competitiveness. The project includes 34 mobilities among teachers and administrative staff motivated to enhance their training. The teachers involved teach humanities, technical-scientific subjects and belong to the three sectors of the school: high school, technical, vocational. They have got a lot of teaching experience and most of them are permanent teachers and staff. The technical and administrative staff involved, has highlighted a need for in-service training to support the educational activities of the school more and more efficient and effective. The training plan will be developed in 24 months. The courses will be held in the following European countries: UK, Ireland, Spain. We have planned the following structured courses: English languge for teachers A2-B1-B2 Clil ICT for teaching and innovative methodologies Structured Study visit to schools and Training seminars The teachers involved will experience teamwork and cooperative, improve their interpersonal and communication skills, exchanging ideas, experiences and best practices with other teachers who attend courses. A strong point will be the technique of modeling through which the teacher "trainer" will present an example of a lesson that will later be experienced by other teachers with different content. The target group will be responsible to train colleagues in school through various activities : peer education, cooperative learning, workshops, sharing of materials, preparation of materials. In short, the formation of a group will create other training for the benefit of the school and pupils. Moreover, mobility abroad will offer cultural and linguistic stimuli more engaging for training. The results of the project will have a tangible impact on the improvement of the teaching and building the positive image and competitiveness of our school. Stakeholders will benefit from the changes that will implement the participants in their efforts to disseminate the results. We will take initiatives at the local and wide-ranging with the publication of newspaper articles, the production of multimedia materials, meetings for exchange of educational experiences, creating discussion groups (social network) and activities of group work both in the presence and wiki mode. We believe that this training can ensure professional and personal benefits in the medium and long term. Participants will be recognized certification Europass Mobility. Language and computer skills will be certified. The action KA1 fully meets our expectations.

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