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School can be fun
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By the time pupils reach higher grades of elementary school, many of them are loosing their interest for learning. There are lots of disatvantaged children at schools for whom it is harder to get the feeling of success. They may be good in things that are not particularly graded or acknowledged at school such as organizational skills, hand crafts, social skills,.. so they feel worthless and their attitude towards school changes. In our project we would like to try to listen to them more instead of just filling them with knowledge and requiring perfect answers. We would like to look for and develop their life skills, find out what makes them learn easier and in more pleasurable way. Our aim is to show them educational systems, organization of schools in other countries, methods and strategies of other teachers in partner schools. We will ask them to compare and analyze their experiences and make up a model class that would give them all they need to succeed and to be aware of what they are good at. This way their motivation for higher education could rise and less children would leave school early. Our group of partners is quiet diverse in cultures, life styles and educational systems. All schools have various experiences and specialism, so by sharing our schools´ priorities all participants can gain new ideas, techniques, approaches and competencies which could help us make school more enjoyable for our pupils. To reach our goal, children will prepare collagues about themselves and presentations about their countries, school systems and what they like and dislike about it. They will present them to their peers at partners´ schools. They will also learn about other countries´ educational systems by observing classes, making spider webs, analyzing them in mixed international groups and creating a model class fit to their needs and expectations. teachers will also take part in jobshadowing and teaching to gain new experiences and rise their competencies on European level. After each project meetnig, participant pupils will share their experiences by presentations for their classmates and teachers will share new strategies with the rest of the pedagogical staff and parents on meetings. We will share and document our work and outcomes on web pages of schools and on eTwinning and web pages created for the project purposes. All ideas, methods and techniques through the two year perieod of project will be gathered and put together in a booklet as a methodical manual to be used at all schools in the future. Pupils will create a video recording of a model class they will manage themselves upon their project experiences. This project is expected to motivate children to study and be active in learning, rise competencies of all participants, develop social, communicational, ICT and more other skills, and bring innovations and European dimension to education.
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4 Partners Participants