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Scandinavian Innovation Culture
Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to strengthen and develop a Scandinavian innovation culture. A strong culture of innovation is needed to enhance business innovation and competitiveness and thus crucial for the Scandinavian countries' future growth and prosperity.A strong culture of innovation requires close interaction between education and business. There is a need for increased cooperation between companies and students in order to better exploit the knowledge contained in the education system and translate it into value in and for businesses. There must therefore be established cooperation between companies and students, through the implementation of mentoring and innovation, including the establishment of transnational development projects, where students participate in innovation projects across countries and there have to deal with transnational groups of students solving a task for either a Swedish or Danish company.A strong culture of innovation also requires that students' entrepreneurial skills strengthened, so that students are motivated and trained to start their own business. The project will offer students with good ideas space in the student incubator where ideas can be developed and the students receive academic and business coaching from counselors and mentors in the process.In both Denmark and Sweden we see a great need to improve the interaction between educational institutions and businesses, and to develop initiatives to motivate and educate students with good ideas to become entrepreneurs.By developing and implementing the project across regions, we can accelerate the development process, both in terms of developing a culture of innovation and creation of a higher economic growth and development in the region, the project will provide students with valuable international experience and project will serve as a springboard for new companies on the way out in the international market.The following specific activities in the project will be implemented in the project:Development and implementation of a Mentor Program, including- Method development about matching and execution- Establishment of a mentor network- Competence of the mentor network- Development and implementation of innovative projects between students and businesses- Development and establishment of student inkubators, including- Development of services and benefits for the student inkubators Expected Results: The project aims to increase innovation in Kask region's businesses, by contribution to the development of new products and processes. This occurs due to a strengthening of the innovative and entrepreneurial skills of the students and as a result of the knowledge transfer through mentoring and innovation collaborations. Innovation in Kask region should also be strengthened through the establishment of new businesses as a result of innovative partnerships and as a result of efforts in student incubators.
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  • 50%   1 036 840,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Öresund - Kattegat - Skagerrak (SE-DK-NO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website