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Scandinavian Competence Development Network
Start date: Aug 31, 2010, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Work on the Scandinavian Competence Development Network was initiated in 2007 and in 2009 it produced a research survey on adult education in Denmark and Sweden. This work was carried out with the objective of scientificly documenting the need for a following main project.Research in this preliminary micro project was carried out by researchers from Aalborg and Gothenburg Universities and resulted in three research publications.The overall conclusion of the research was that increased economic growth through improved conditions for competence development at the labour market can only be obtained through the creation of new and improved relations between companies and educational institutions. Furthermore, research emphasized that this development must be driven by an engine i.e. the educational institutions. This is the case because the majority of companies cannot be expected to initiate the competence development needed on their own. External intervention is therefore necessary. If the educational institutions are to meet this challenge, organisational development is presupped at all levels… Expected Results: The overall objective of the project was the development of methods to improve cooperation between the demand and supply side of adult education and competence development.This objective is divided into three part objectives. The direct results that the project is expected to produce within each of the part objectives are as follows:1: The educational institutions are trained in analysing the needs of the companies and to offer educational services accordingly.The analysis of educational needs requires knowledge pertaining to culture and dialogue, the ability to establish lasting contacts but it also requires a fundamental analytical and organisational knowledge. In realising this part objective it is necessary for the employees at the educational institutions to better their skills in planning and implementatnig the need assessments of companies. It is only when the needs of companies are understood that they can subsequently be met.2: The establishment of networks between educational institutions and companies.The establishment of company networks is a way to create conditions necessary for a continous dialogue between educational institutions and companies, which in turn is necessary for the improvement of educational possibilities of the work force. Networks create improved options of targeting the educational services and strengthening the cooperation between companies and educational suppliers of adult education.3: Improvement of demand side competencesThe realisation of this part objective will make companies aware of the connection between their overall market situation, orgainsation and subsequently their educational needs. This forms a better platform from which companies may formulate their demand for ecucational services. The term demand side competences is adressing the demand side in the match between supply and demand. Firstly, the educational service must be both flexible and relevant to the company (part objective 1 and 2) and secondly, the company must be in a position to formulate its demands with a degree of accuracy.Realising these three part objectives in the project a common platform is established and conditions are met for a better cooperation between the supply and demand side (institutions and companies) of adult educational services.In the course of the project 145 employees of adult educational institutions completed seminal courses and 1.365 companies were organized in networks with the participating educational institutions. 1.573 companies carried out educational planning in cooperation with educational institutions.
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  • 44.8%   6 255 590,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Öresund - Kattegat - Skagerrak (SE-DK-NO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website