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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

he SYCAMORE project intends to launch a thematic Strategic Partnership aimed to provide information and guidance services about Civil and Communion Economy and start generative laboratories accompanying toward self-employment paths.From the start-up phase, the partnership ensures the participation and membership of a large number of companies related to the principles of the Civil and Communion Economy (SEC, AIPEC, Lionello Bonfanti, Giosi Guella, Polo Mariapolis Faro) and partners with experience in working with young people, especially the most disadvantaged ones (Formamentis, Associazione Nuvovi Orizzonti).The study, the experimentation, the sharing of expertise and the exchange of good practices will allow to further strengthen the partnership, to implement the project and give it a follow-up and future continuity.The project starts from the identification of good practices within the partnership:- E.DIC.SPA / Lionello Bonfanti: 1) establishment of a Pole of firms based on the principles of the civil and communion economy; 2) formation and accompaniment of young people toward entrepreneurship and self-employment paths; 3) experiences of business incubators.- SEC: Education on EdC (communion economy) through innovative methods based on learning and experiential learning of generative laboratories.- AIPEC: Association of entrepreneurs "enlightened" who work to spread the EdC through the testimony and the networking of their experiences.Through the analysis, the study and testing of those good practices in Italian contexts (1st year), Portuguese (2nd year) and Croatian and Bosnian (3rd year), the project aims at the development a stable service, in Italy (Abruzzo), in Portugal, in Croatia and in Bosnia. The service has the objective to:- Providing information and guidance for young people to job opportunities (stable branches managed by Educators / Facilitators of European Placement, guidance in digital format on job opportunities and the main procedures for the employment and self-employment);- Accompanying towards selfemploymenty through Popular EdC schools (training on the key principles of the civil economy and communion, on the labor market, the procedures for setting up businesses and business networks), experiential workshops and generative (for stimulate young people to the emergence of their own ideas and talents) that will lead to opportunities to meet with local entrepreneurs and AIPEC network, the creation of guided tours, internships, job placement possibilities or realization of business incubators for those who are willing to start their own activity the same type of the company visited. Supply of digital training materials.During the first year, the project also provides a direct instruction to the Formamentis operators, and to the operators of the association Udruga za ekonomiju zajedništva (Polo Mariapoli Faro- Croatia), the association ECNAL-Consultores Associados Lda (Giosi Guella-Portugal). These operators, after the formation, will be responsible for the accompaniment of young people in the different annuities.The training includes seminarial moments (with the SEC and the University D'Annunzio) and study visits at the Polo Industriale Lionello Bonfanti (Italy) bringer of good practices, through which operators acquire specific skills in the workplace organized according to the principles of EdC in particular how to accompany young people towards employability and self-employment and civil and communion economy key notions.The formation proves to be a vital time of SYCAMORE project, as it will allow the subsequent conduct of support paths of young people in accordance with quality and efficiency profiles and the development of strategies and specific methods for the employment of people with difficulties in the world of work, in particular young people in situations of exclusion or at risk of economic and social exclusion for economic reasons (unemployed), educational (youth having dropped out of school or at risk of dropping out) or social (youth from the suburbs, immigrants, young people with a history of petty crime or drug addiction).
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