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Start date: Dec 12, 2015, End date: Dec 12, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Sarajevo Film Festival will further enhance its focus on inspiring and encouraging film generations of tomorrow by fostering sustainable and creative growth of regional film industries.With its successful development of a very enthusiastic and devoted film audience,eager to expand their knowledge and understanding of film,the Sarajevo Film Festival has confirmed its position as the leading SoutheastEuropean festival that focuses on the promotion and development of the European and regional cinema.An internal evaluation and fine tuning of program improvements,projects and activities during the Festival and year-round,have been tailor made to contribute maintaining the unique and festive atmosphere,continuously generating a strong influence on the rejuvenation of the regional film industry.Taking into account how regional films are being funded, produced and distributed,we must acknowledge that its cinema is among those in Europe,facing the biggest challenge reaching the stage of an adequate promotion and circulation on the international market.In such an environment,the role of film festivals is crucial,not just as a platform where films are being screened and presented,but flourishing its essential role in extensive networking possibilities and the establishment of new relations among film professionals.Our Competition programme,preserves such relations not only important for audiences and film professionals,but contributes the promotion and potential circulation of their works on the international market in a crucial moment of their career.The programme structure for the upcoming edition will keep around its previous scale,with an approximate number of 210 films that will be screened during the nine festival days.Our strong focus on young audiences will preserve its everlasting impact on the evolvement of activities towards the audience, as well as film literacy initiatives endowing their continuity,development and implementation.

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