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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

School District 1 Antwerp is one of the 28 Districts of GO! Education, which represents public education providers under the authority of the Flemish Community. It comprises all levels of education, from preschool to adult education, including level 5 of EQF. The school district is responsible for 36 institutions, both compulsory and non-compulsory education. Annually 20000+ learners enroll in a course and over 2500 staff members are striving to assure and offer excellence in teaching and learning.School District 1 takes its responsibility to constantly improve the quality of education, both in range and in methodology. The schools are mainly located in the city of Antwerp. All education providers work within a metropolitan, social context that has been changing rapidly over the past few years.The pedagogical approach should ensure that young people feel like learning, exploring themselves and in the world of opportunities in which they can focus their talents. Priorities include innovative education and stimulating digital teaching and learning.In order to fully take on their most important assignments, the institutions work within a shared point of view as described in the general policy plan. From this point of view, the school is submitting this project proposal. The eventual aim is to offer high-quality and ‘all-round education’ to ALL learners and, by doing so, achieve an increased qualified outflow in a society that is constantly changing and diversifying. The realisation of the public school system’s pedagogical project, the standard document containing the aims and values of the official public education system, requires a policy with an international outlook. It represents an open, unprejudiced mind with consideration for everyone’s opinion.The ‘All-Round Education’ project is requested by the primary and secondary school communities themselves and is the result of their call for more professionalisation regarding the topic. The participating schools are all providing alternative education and/or are implementing, or showing interest in, innovative ‘all-round’ education on a primary and secondary school level.During the selection of co-workers per participating school, a set of criteria and the school’s specific needs are taken into account. The involvement of the ‘All-Round Education’ working group’s initiator and leader during the project’s preparation, implementation and compliance creates an added value. That way, the project and its results meet the needs of the co-workers, the schools and the school communities.Thorough preparation is important keeping in mind the maximum return on educational effectiveness. From an organizational point of view the Project Office takes care of several matters, as important as the substantive preparation. The participants have been informed about the offer and its purposes in advance. Within the schools, internal consultation is held in advance as well, so that learning questions can be prepared. We expect the participants to gain insight into innovative, ‘all-round education’ and its approach: they familiarise themselves with new pedagogical insights and methodologies.The institutions in the Netherlands and its umbrella organisation have experience of this and are offering us a structured continuing-education course. It involves a course that combines theory and practice. Some colleagues are given the chance to further explore the practice and its different aspects via job shadowing.Today, there are few examples of alternative education in Flemish secondary schools. The project allows the participants to take ‘a look over the wall’ and to learn from it. Which methodologies are being used? How do you take on such a challenge as a school and how do you evolve into it with a team? The step towards realisation within one’s own school is more realistic when one is able to find out how it works in practice in the Netherlands.With this project, we prepare the way for our teachers, directors and policies to organise and offer ‘all-round education’.Teachers can set to work with newly-acquired, real-life knowledge and skills. The action plan linked to the strategic and operational goals persued by the general policy plan and the ‘all-round education’ working group are acted upon. The school policy is assessed and possibly adjusted using the obtained insights regarding educational innovation in general and learning careers in particular regarding the going-up of students coming from alternative primary schools.The final goal is to meet the challenge faced by 21th-century education with the necessary knowledge and skills so that all young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, can develop their talents in an increasingly diverse society.
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