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Same but Different - LGBT youth work contact seminar
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

9 partners from 8 countries (Germany, Belgium, England, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Slovakia and Hungary) working in the field of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) youth work will come together at SVLS in Mülheim am Rhein, Germany from November 05th to 09th 2014. The main objectives of this project are: to exchange the specific knowledge and experience that every partner can bring in, to share good practice methods, to establish a European framework, to develop project ideas and to make concrete plans for future Erasmus+ applications aiming at the empowerment of LGBT youth and professionalization of LGBT youth workers. This seminar is meant as an ignition of European cooperation of professional youth organisations and informal groups that offer LGBT youth work. All partners bring in experiences in empowering young homo-, bi- and transsexuals by various means, e.g. counselling service, open youth centres, regular youth group meetings or public visibility activities. Within the recent years, professional structures for LGBT youth work has been emerging in Germany, but still it’s very few and only in particular regions. Compared to the “conventional” youth work, there is hardly any practical exchange between and cooperation of LGBT youth organisations on EU level. We consider ourselves as European citizens and thus want to interconnect with pro-active groups and professional organisations from across Europe that share our aims: to raise awareness about the need of a specific youth work that is dedicated to the specific demands of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender youth. Envisaged future projects include: > Trainings and seminars for LGBT youth workers, > Job Shadowing for LGBT youth workers and > LGBT youth encounters on European level.

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8 Partners Participants