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Sağlık İçin Harekete Geç / Let's Move For Health
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Let's Move for Health is a short term group EVS project which will last for 2 months with the participation of 30 volunteers from 15 different countries in Muş. The volunteers's main tasks will be the contribution to preparation, implementation and dissemination steps of the International Oncology Days. Through the project, the vounteers will take place in organizing of non-formal workshops and trainings . Working in a 4 different group the volunteers will operate by giving support to the organisation company during the conferences, panels and questions-answers sessions which will be held by prominent political and healht sector figures at national and international level. The project especially aims in cancer awareness against the cancer disease and healthy life style.

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