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SAFETY FIRST – New Competences for a Competitive European Agricultural Machinery Industry

The Safety First project focusses upon the agriculture mechanisation sector that has coped with a complex range of changes, pertaining to all levels of the agricultural growth process. Project partners will initially undergo an analysis of ‘how much and in which way’ the application of new regulations affects each profession involved in the different stages of the production process, in order to identify current competences, training pathways and training needs for each profile. This will allow the re-design of professional profiles able to integrate and build upon formal, informal and non-formal learning. The project will further undergo an analysis of further and higher training offers addressed to two specific target groups, namely, existing workers and recent or potential graduates considering entry to the agricultural machinery sector. Primary results of the project will include a database of national, European and international regulations relating to agricultural machinery safety; a database on innovation (containing examples of innovative products); a catalogue of professional profiles for the sector; a skills map and a report on current training provision for students and existing workers operating in the agrarian-mechanic sector. All products will be presented in CD-Rom format. Dissemination activities will comprise the creation of a specific area on the website of the European Network for Testing of Agricultural Machines and the publication of a project newsletter (in EN & IT) addressed to all relevant actors and promoted via relevant seminars and conferences.
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12 Partners Participants