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S'engager en Europe
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According to a survey, almost three quarter of young people in France between the age of 18 and 34 have the feeling that the french society doesn't give them the opportunity to show what they are capable of. The project "Beeing committed in Europe" tries to give an answer to this question. Young europeans from France, Germany and Poland will work together on the notion of european citizenship. To be a citizen means to participate. Therefore 39 young persons between 15 and 22 who come from disadvantaged backrounds and/or are dropping out of school, handicapped or suffering socially will think about community involvement and the necessity of contributing to society. This exchange is part of a cycle of three exchanges in Germany (2015), in France (2016) and in Poland (2017) and will take place in Dunkirk (France). The main theme will be the local implication of european politics. Meetings with the civil society of Dunkirk and workshops on participation will be offered to the group of young people. Promoting the participation also builds a barrier against the problems of the public european opinion (decrease of engagement, questioning the european project). Our associations Cefir, Institut Regionalny and Internationaler Bund support these young citizens in accomplishing their duties but also in realizing actions that are of general interest.Thanks to intercultural and linguistical methods from the Franco-German Youth Office, young people, which are accompanied by certified activity leaders, will surpass their prejudices and their fears. These young people will work together during the exchange and will have the occasion to discover the work of associations implicated in the urban area of Dunkirk. By discovering the associative landscape, these young people will have new ideas and concrete examples that they can export.The young people will be the actors of their exchange. The interaction of these citizens will contribute to the succes of the european ideal: A diversity of public and structures united in a commun and lasting project.
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