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Rural Alliances
Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Jul 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

RURAL ALLIANCES aims to address urgent challenges caused by rapid demographic change in rural areas by putting into practice a completely new alliance building concept. Enterprise-Community Alliances will be formed to build self-supporting. inclusive. confident rural communities. strengthening NWEs rural competitive & cohesive position & countering negative effects of demographic change Progressive changes in the socio-economic framework of rural areas have led to increasing fragmentation with out-migration of young people. ageing populations. & reduced employment & community wellbeing. These demographic changes diminish vibrancy & the contribution of rural areas to the EU economy. Current pressure on public resources for modern services/infrastructure in rural areas increases this problem This new form of alliance involves people of all ages. backgrounds & residential status in partner areas (UK. IE. DE. FR. NL & BE) to undertake joint actions & be their own agents for change Alliances formed between entrepreneurs & their communities will integrate enterprise principles with community values. using the power of loyalty. pride & self-esteem to improve areas competitiveness. sustainability & inclusivity. supported by innovative financial engineering techniques. A new common method will be developed to measure rural vibrancy. Alliances will forge new relationships with the public sector to safeguard & enhance rural resources/services Partners will build on their recently shared knowledge & experiences (e.g. do democracy. the rural account. clustering. ambassadors) providing fast-track solutions to identified needs of local communities GOALS ¦Establish Enterprise-Community Alliances to increase rural vibrancy & counter negative demographic change¦New paradigms & roles for inclusive local governance¦Maximise potential & experience of citizens & businesses¦Joint service delivery for improved liveability¦Innovative business cases disseminated across EU Achievements: The Rural Alliances project has made good progress achieving the following results:76 Rural Alliances created by the project partners against a target of 52! These alliances are made up of rural enterprises and businesses getting together in rural areas to address the problems of negative demographic change and diminishing rural services; The alliances include those focused on renewable energy, health care, destination management, transport, inclusivity, heritage, creative arts, community development and finding new ways of financing project work. More information can be gained from visiting the Transnational Alliance Networking Site: http://ruralaliancenetwork.ning.comA Financial Engineering Handbook for rural areas has been jointly developed by the partners, using their experiences and knowledge. This is very important for alliances as funds are becoming more and more difficult to access and new innovative ways to attract investment and money to pay for rural services and development have had to be found. You can read this on First! A Rural Vibrancy Measuring Index Method. The rural alliance partners have worked together to develop and produce a way for rural communities to measure the vibrancy of their rural areas. The partnership has broken through the technology barrier that allows communities to use an on line survey system and get back their results - have a go....... on A Transnational Rural Alliance Network has been created - look on - anyone else from rural areas across Europe is welcome to join - this provide alliances with the opportunity to work with each other across Europe and to share and swop ideas. The partnership has started a campaign to attract 360 ideas in the next year - add yours!And coming soon: A Rural Governance Handbook that looks at new ways for communities, businesses and the public sector to work together to revitalise rural areas and provide joint services An Alliance Development Blueprint - picking the best ideas and methods used by the 77 alliances and packing them into one easy to access resource
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  • 50%   4 982 307,11
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants