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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SOCIAL CONTEXT In the Spanish school there are students who have immigrated from 24 countries (some are Romanian) and in the Romanian school there are students from families who have emigrated into European countries as well as students whose families have returned back to Romania. Some families have a poor financial status. It is difficult to address the educational needs of these students using traditional methods. We will encourage students to connect basic skills to everyday life. We can see our students have technological skills but these do not help them learn and develop personally. Moreover, they do not know their native historic and cultural background and mutual past which they share with other European Union countries. AIMS -Using an innovative student-centered technology which will enable students to develop the inner abilities they were born with; -Developing the IT skills our students possess in order to learn and discover about the social and cultural environment; -Nurturing empathy towards the immigrants, towards the people/ adults they are going to get into contact along the project; -Stopping discrimination sometimes the immigrant population is subjected to; -Encouraging team work with a European dimension; -Creating material aids/ documents by using ICT THE NUMBER AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARTICIPANTS The number of the students directly involved in the project is 48, although most of the designed activities are open to all students in both schools. The Romanian students speak Spanish very well as “Jean Louis Calderon” high school is specialized in humanities and teaching languages. The teachers involved in this partnership have a large experience in administrating international projects, in using ICT in teaching and managing extra school activities. ACTIVITIES DESCRIPTION They go into four big topics: 1. Migration. The research of the issue. Creating questionaires for the interviews. Field work: interviews with immigrants, their families and those families returned from Spain to Romania. Recording the interviews. Creating a documentary. 2. Information and Communication Technology. Organizing seminars to teach students the technique of audio and video design and editing. Creating documentaries and audio guides. Seminars about web design and web applications with the content administrators. Accessing social networks and "cloud” posting. Applying all of this knowledge throughout the project. 3. Theatre. Writing a script for a play on the migration topic. Rehearsals. Romanian-Spanish performance in both countries. Recording the rehearsals and the shows. 4. Culture and history. Writing studies about the Romanian and Andaluz culture. Researches on the Romanian and Andaluz history and culture, laying the stress on mutual topics. Creating audio guides containing all of these topics. Visits to the most symbolic locations where the Romanian culture manifests itself in both countries using the audio guides created by the students. WORK METHODS The students will be in the centre of the whole process, being involved in all the steps of the project, enhancing their personal abilities. We are going to develop concrete projects that will need the collaboration of all students and teachers alike, that will help us accomplish the varied aims of our project, and utilize the abilities we will have aquired and the use of ICT. We will use theatre and play as a means of expressing the sensitivity of our students in order to help them develop creativity in them when they tell about their lessons from real life contact. We are going to stimulate personal development and social intelligence. Through empathy, by living together in the partner’s families and direct contact with the migration phenomenon. RESULTS AND IMPACT We believe a permanant evaluation of the project is of utmot importance. It is going to be made in three ways: permanent contect amongs the taechers involved in the project; student meetings; external evaluation done by the teachers and students who don’t work in the project. The written press, radio and television, will be invited to the play performance based on the migration topic, to the presentation of the audio guides made by the students about Andluzia and Romania in the Roman era, and of the documentaries about migration created by the students. This material will be accessible to the whole educational community on the project web page, on the YouTube and "cloud”. LONG TERM BENEFITS Our project offers a model that can be later used by any school. Secondly, the papers can be used during classes as reference information about migration.
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