Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Jul 31, 2015
Association of European Advisors PLinEU is a Polish non-governmental organization that promotes, implement and develop innovative solutions for reconciling personal and professional life. For more than 10 years we have completedmany projects in education and training areas, which supported both organizations and individuals .The following project was a response to a serious development need, which was highlighted thanks to new strategical plan elaborated previous year.The aim of the project activities undertaken in cooperation with a partner InDialogue was to raise the competence of key coaching and training staff and equip their professional workshop with innovative and effective tools in the area of"Work Life Balance";. The second objective was to increase the quality of organisation management, particulary in terms of effective implementation of the new strategy.Within the project we will organized 13 mobilities, which were based on participation in training courses organized by the partner InDialogue . The choice of training topics resulted from internal analysis, which we had undertaken as a partof the employee evaluation and recommendation given by InDialogue . The group of participants consisted of trainers, coaches, projects coordinator, representatives of the management board.The project activities were divided into three main stages :1. The preparatory phase was focused on the participants' introduction into the training process. InDialogue provided us with detailed training programs and tasks to be performed before each mobility. The organizational meetings andmeetings devoted to the development of language skills were also held during this stage.2. Implementation of mobilities. Project participants took part in various trainings: Narrative coaching; Strength based coaching and guidance; Inspiring facilitation, teaching and training. The second group trainings were focused onmanagement skills: clear leadership, strategic management, conflict mediation. Project partner was responsible for the implementation of this task.3 Implementation of the results. Each participant was obliged to run an individual project based on the acquired knowledge, new skills. During this process, he/she was able to benefit from the mentoring support from the partner.The project contributed to strengthening the capacity of human resources of PLinEU Association. Competences of our trainers team have been enriched by the learner centered and strength based approaches. These are, among other,narrative and appreciative approaches, question techniques to lead better, dialogue methods to address the power of social discourses and much, much more.After the project our organisation - PLinEU is capable to implement a new development strategy in a more efficient and effective way.As a result of this, the whole organisation is better in running their educational services, where the starting point is now the learner (as the learner is the expert on its own life) and learning is better contextualised (in the context of thelearners' life). This form of learning is in three words more respectful, empowering and sustainable.In the longer term on the bases of project' outcomes the Association PLinEU will even better and more effectively support people to reconcile their personal and professional life, will be a precursor of changes in this aspect, will implementprojects on an international scale transfering Work Life Balance good practices in both directions - from Poland and to Poland.