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Rozwój kompetencji osobistych i doskonalenie umiejętności planowania i zarządzania projektem międzynarodowym - kluczem do sukcesu w nawiązaniu międzynarodowej współpracy.
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The context of the project: School nowadays ought to adjust students’ education to the labour market and what is more, create an opportunity for developing their diversified competences. The new core curriculum includes, among the other things, cultivating linguistic competences, using information and communication technologies and, what is essential, intercultural education. International cooperation of schools, together with applied project methods, make an exceptional opportunity for executing educational goals included in the curriculum, as well as, it is a great chance for the school, which faces the challenge of helping its students to broaden their minds and instil creativeness. The European Union Programme, which supports project that employs educational institutions, has contributed to propagation of work by means of educational project method in a great number of schools. Unfortunately, in our school this method has not been employed yet and in consequence, it is hardly known. The goal of the project: There is a big necessity for the teaching staff of our school to acquire proficiency in planning and managing the international project and gaining so-called hard and soft skills of managing the programme. We wish to make the most of the chance given, by taking part in an international project, in order to increase the effectiveness of teaching and make the process of education more attractive. The number and profile of the participants: The European Union projects are characterized by innovation, hence they require different and novel methods of working, as well as effective ways of communication and cooperation. The people chosen for managing the project (7 called ‘the project team’) are open, hard-working, cooperative and willing to make an effort. They are also able to inspire others and enthuse them with passion. Bearing in mind the international nature of the project the teachers speak a foreign language ( English or German, level A2-B1) Description of actions: Participation in training courses abroad, which concern planning and managing projects (2 people), participation in a course aiming at extension of the knowledge of information technology (3 people), participation in a ‘Job-Shadowing’ training (2 people). Results: We hope that the training will allow us to strike new friendships, meet future partners with whom we will be able to manage new projects (e.g. eTwinning, Job-Shadowing, the Youth Project). We also expect a full-scale European cooperation with our school. All the activities enable our learners to take part not only in students’ exchanges, but also in other projects that we are willing to conduct maintaining the contacts with the teachers met on the courses. We would like to be an incentive for our colleagues to apply for a financial support from the National Agency concerning international mobilities.
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