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Rozwój jednostki w doskonaleniu rynku pracy - Logistyka
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Individual development in labor market improvement - Logistics" associates 60 students from Vocational Schools from Poland. Project aims at conducting 3-week internships for students in Portugal, for students who study logistics. Students will attend interniships in 4 groups - 15 students each. Each group of students will be accompanied by mentors and teachers. The aim of the project is gaining new practical skills in the fields of logistics. Furthermore, the ability of using already gained knowledge and improving it by incorporating with new experience gained in new environment. Young people taking part in the project will learn to transfer new techniques to a local ground. Schedule and program of internship has been developed according to teaching objectives in Poland and includes goals of education in logistics. It also includes preferences and specificity of participants and expectations of employers on local labor market. Participants of the project will take art in internship held in company specializing in logistics in Barcelos. Before going to Portugal participants will take part in preparatory courses. Such courses will include language preparation - both: general and proffessional, introduction and acquaitance with culture and social issues concerning Portugal - including basics in history, politics and economy, as well as psychological preparation in the field of dealing with stress and adaptation in new environment. Project is adjusted to challenges issued by modern economy and labor market. The main objective of the project is educating young people who will specialize in logistics and will be characterized by experience and competences giving them a strong position on labor market. Project gives young people the opportunity to gain new experience on both - individual and professional level and teaches them how to us it in the process of supporting Polish companies contributing to their development and enriching them with new methods of work and practical solutions.
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