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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Improvement of professionalism" refers to the exchange of good practices in vocational training and education. The project will be implemented in cooperation with schools of a similar profile training and a similar level of education. The aim of the project is to improve the level of knowledge and skills of teachers and students from partner schools. This refers not only to the cooperation in selected vocational subjects but also to the improvement of the communication skills within the scope of the professional English taught at school. The implementation of these actions aims to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers and students as professionals in their profession, but also to help the students in transition from educational to the labor market. For this purpose, it is planned to exchange the good practices of schools in the organization of students apprenticeship preparing them for an effective job search.The participants are the teachers of vocational subjects presenting their best practices in their methods teaching of 25 and 435 students from partnership schools improving their professional, linguistic and interpersonal skills.The activities in the project are based on observation and classes conducting within selected vocational subjects, including the use of the English language in profession. The teachers will also exchange good practices and experiences in the field of apprenticeship organization, cooperation with the institutions organizing apprenticeships and potential future employers. This cooperation will be made during the short training programs organized for the teachers participating in mobility.The results of these actions will be disseminated in the school, local and regional environment. The students will participate in combined mobilities ie. work in groups around the selected areas of vocational subjects with the use of communication technology means and then during partner schools meetings.These activities will be carried out by methods refining their interpersonal skills, which may be helpful in the labor market.Every action of the project begins with a diagnosis of the participants needs. On the basis of that analysis the implementation ofactivities takes place according to schedule. After the end of the given action it is planned to carry out monitoring and evaluation, which allows to modify the content, eliminate the inappropriate methods and generally improve the quality of the project.As a result of the actions a series of results is created, which collected together will take a form of a catalogue of good practice that is the description of the selected practices from each partner school, which were the most interest, supporting thework of schools or building initiatives around the new, innovative activities serving the development and improvement of school work. The film library will be established with a collection of movies which is a documentation of work and shows good practices and other activities in the project. This collection will be placed on the website of each of the schools and collected onDVDs to make them available in this format. The other results of the activities include reports of surveys and other evaluation reports, articles placed in the trade or methodical press about the exchange of practicies in the project and the collections of teaching materials, etc.The project will have an impact on the target groups that is a personal development of participants ie. teachers and learners, the professional development of both teachers and students and the development of schools as centers of education training.Due to the project there will take place the increase in the knowledge, practical skills, responsible action and cooperation, the development of interpersonal skills helpful in the employment, the increase in motivation, language learning, increase of the communication skills which will influence the English language training. That will have an impact on the way of functioning in the contemporary society at home and abroad, creating an attitude of responsibility for both partners and coordinators, improvement of ICT skills in the teaching proces. It will also have an effect on everyday life, a positive self-image and on the increase of self-esteem. The participation in the project will allow the use of professional competence in the work by both teachers and students, who will be able to work in their profession.We expect the increased interest in participating in future projects of similar type. The acquired experience will influence the professional development and creation of new faculties in institutions or the introduction of innovative methods of training.
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