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Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was aimed at initiating a dialogue with young people and decision makers. In this project we used the practical experience of running I have already supported project ERASMUS +, KA3 - structured dialogue, "shakin ourselves and the world around us - politics as a game I." no. 2014-1-CZ01-KA347-001802. Seppia organizations throughout cooperated with the National Working Group for structured dialogue with youth with the GST. The project has been used already proven experiential and thematic meetings, see the methodology elaborated in cooperation with the National Working Group for structured dialogue with youth link:  The project aimed to lead and motivate the youth of the local community to engage in social activities and to participate in the events in the theater participants ie. In Prague Prague 10 + 15 hl.m. Prague, Czech Republic, European Union. The project participants tried to lead a non-violent form to realize themselves and increase self-confidence, so that everyone could and could express their own opinion. Another goal was all the young project participants informed about the options rights, but also responsibilities within civic life. Youth in the project, also discussed proposals to promote concrete changes. Participants in the project - the target group of young minors aged 13 -16 years of local community-adult youth 20 to 30 years (presenters, facilitators, specially trained persons under the age of 30 years) for educational method of peer-to-peer network. Planned participation in one share 54 persons have been complied with and exceeded. At the launch of the project was registered more than 80 people. Note: In signing statements and schedules mobility does not include all the participants. These are mainly decision makers, lecturers and facilitators + pedagogical and security officers - despite the fact that participated. The project was held 10 separate loosely related one-day events in Prague + 10 Prague 15 and Prague. City Hall. Responsibilities of each meeting was of key competencies form: discussions, debates, moderated games, interactive lectures with professionals - specialists - experts on various issues incl. participation in pedagogical supervision Impact of the project - improving the personal skills of the participants and obtain a certificate - see 6 key areas: the ability to better communicate and argue in their native language, ability to work with digital technologies, social and civic competences, development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, cultural awareness, ability to learn. Project outputs: a form of questionnaires and their evaluation, final evaluation and publication of the results of the project, the official report on the implementation of - course project Benefits of the project in the long term: Young people - project participants gain skills and self-confidence not to be afraid involvement in public life and the world around them, which can be used in practice. Youth has established relations and personal contacts with people from the ranks of experts, professionals, specialists and publicly employed persons, which would include the project was unable to reason and the need to obtain and which can now be used at any time. The organizer of the project received great support local youth and their parents. Therefore, in the next period will be addressed by promoting mutual dialogue, youth and local self-organize activities to promote and develop competencies of participants support community life and to build on the project was completed. OS Seppia organizations disseminate the results of the project and recommending document with concrete proposals available options. At the same time we appeal to decision makers and public officials to use the documents distributed, published, and, if possible, into account in its scope. All project information will be in the following period after the project presented and disseminated in accessible ways Seppia OS. A great benefit is that the OS offers Seppia in the following period, all the young participants an opportunity to further cooperation and individual support. Thanks to local activities will continue to support and house the youth activities incl. Any requests and implementation of independent youth activities. Cooperation with youth will continue thanks to new opportunities, which is the organizer involvement in the incentive program aimed at youth = The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award. Civic association Seppia is involved in this project only since June 2016. The impetus for involvement arose from a meeting of the project on April 7, 2016, which was the main topic: "COMMUNITY & volunteerism." We are grateful for this opportunity.
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