Search for European Projects

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

Our project tends to initiate young people to the photograph and video practice in a instructive,creative and play way. We are going to transform a caravan in a mobile laboratory. This caravan, will be convertible in a obscura camera, in a photo and film laboratory. It will act as place of artistic creation. The young people (and less young) will be able to work on pictures which translate their «home». These pictures will be a transcription of their reality. They will create blogs on our page http: // / users / 270-roulautographe-roulautographe. This blogs will have as themes «the one’s own home.» Our purpose is to circulate with our caravan. It will be a place of meeting and exchange offered in the local populations. In second time we will organize an exhibition and make a catalogue which redraws the whole project.
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