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Roma Europe (Europa Gitana)
Start date: Oct 15, 2014, End date: Oct 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project's main objective is to deepen in the knowledge of roma culture in Europe. Volunteers across different activities planned, will engage in culturally diverse environments, thus enabling learning new skills, language and discover roma culture from their own experience.. This social project offers the possibility to work for social and cultural promotion of r oma people, especially young people, in order to their equity and integration, into a broader work framework fighting againts the poverty and marginalization . The result of all this, is to promote solidarity between young volunteers that also results in the development of an active citizenship that can spread to other young people in activities and to a better mutual understanding, thereby strengthening the representative democracy system. Moreover, volunteer´s participation serves to expand the study fields and social action related to this community and to create a volunteer network at European level, within and outside roma community, and thereby drive new changes. Locally the activities support youth activities and reinforce the association network that collaborate with Union Romani. The project also promotes European cooperation in the youth field, in the sense that we aim to promote international relations with roma Associations around the world, exchanging experiences and projects and working with all public and private entities at local, regional and internationally levels. The project will take place in different working areas. The tasks will be adapted to each volunteer´s profile. The working areas where volunteers could participate are: • Education: Actually roma population is given more importance to school and they start thinking on education as a way of social promotion, personal development and future opportunity. It is in this area where volunteers could devevelop the vast majority of their activities because in these activities the contact with roma families and children is bigger. Volunteers will participate in projects related to prevention, monitoring and control of truancy , open classroom activities (recreational and creative activities in workshops, tutoring, etc..), rapprochement family and school, monitoring and support roma students from primary to secundary, etc. • Social Issues: they can support personal development , family and social projects, collaborate in “Women and participation” project and others activities such as literacy, pre-employment training, theater and crafts. • Training and Employment: they will collaborate on specific information, counseling, employment, counseling and training issues with technicians such as teaching Internet as a tool for job searching, digital literacy workshops,etc. • Immigration: they will support users in administrative, legal, health, education, tutoring, mediation language tasks and collaborate in migration research and analysis, etc. • Youth: they will collaborate on sensitization projects about roma culture and history, on employment information points and workshops, courses, conferences, etc. Also they will develop the contents for Roma young activities related to the European issues. • Volunteering: they will support promotion, management and volunteer training activities (workshops, conferences, courses, recruitment campaigns, awareness, etc). Work methodology will be adjusted to each volunteer and with the team they will be working. It is generally characterized by being flexible, cooperative, participatory, creative and innovative especially with children. Volunteers will be always accompanied and guided by the coordinators of each project and activity. The track of their tasks will be done through assessments and weekly meetings with the tutor as a moment of meeting, exchanging information and reflection of different experiences. This project will be developed by three volunteers from Hungary and Italy for nine months and will take place in Seville ( in Los Remedios and Los Pajaritos neighborhoods, Torreblanca (peripheral neighborhood) and the village of Dos Hermanas.
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