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Rolling Stones- Mit Steinen Europa ins Rollen bringen
Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The German-Estonia project „Rolling Stones – Mit Steinen Europa ins Rollen bringen“ will take place from August 14 to 24, 2014 in the Rhine-Main region. 18 young people of the ages 15 – 18 years old will spend 10 days together working and reflecting on different activities and topics such as History, art and culture as well as measures helping to fight the juvenile unemployment. One of the goals of the project is to work together with the participants on understanding to what extend the cooperation between the European countries beyond country boundaries represents a central element for the development and peace in Europe. This will be implemented both practically through the realization of sculpture and on a theoretical basis through presentation and workshops. The participants will realize and present an individual vision of Europe making a sound and palpable document of it thanks to the guidance of th most talented sculptor Alexander Schwarz. The sculptures will be exhibited in the garden of Schloss Fechenbach upon project completion. Another goal ist introduce the youths to the topic East-West conflict through the processes of Perestroika and Glasnost and their effects on Europe and beyond, yesterday and even today. The target is to make the youths aware and raise their interest on topics regarding European History and the way behind that built the actual present and will determine the future. The end of the Cold War had repercussions in both Estonia and Germany as well as on the unification and enlargement process of today Europes. While treating this topic, the focus will be put on the growing challenges faced by today’s youth. Valorization of personality, employability and mobility are thereby central aspects given the high youth unemployment rate in Europe. In groups and individually, the participants will draw solution approaches to challenges set by themselves.This will strengthen their flexibility and creativity. Furthermore, the cultural activities and excursions will give way to much interaktion and communication on an international basis both with each other as peers as well as with the local population intensifying their sense of tolerance and understanding for themselves and for others. A translator will assist the whole group and facilitate the comunication.The experience gathered and the skills acquired through the non-formal methods impelmented throughout the project will be validated for school, university and potential employers through the Youth Pass and through certificates of attendance. Besides the individual documentation, the sculptures realized by the participants will be exhibited on the museum site of Schloss Fechenbach. Reports and pictures will be released in public print and electronic media and on the partner’s websites. The project outcome will be made available beyond the boundaries of Estonia and Germany at several occasions such as the education fair Avanti“- in Darmstadt and the Lions Europa Forum 2014 in Birmingham/UK with a few tousands visitors. Both partnerorganizations will present the project outcome in Birmingham and stimulate other potential partners for common projects. A sound multiplier effect will be reached throug the broad dissemination in Germany, Estonia and Europe.

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