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Rohelise sektori õpilaste ja õpetajate õpiränne
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Mobility of students and teachers in the green sector" envolves the mobilities of forestry, landscaping and wilderness guiding students and teachers. Alltogether there are 48 participants: 10 forestry, 8 forest machine handling, 15 landscaping and 4 wilderness guiding students and 11 teachers. The hosts are partnering schools from Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden, as well as partnering companys from Finland, Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands. The objective of the student mobility is to develop the students' competences by implementing the ECVET system. This has been done at Luua Forestry School already since 2011 when the school was in the development group of the Leonardo da Vinci programme's transfer project "Your ECVET". In addition to achieving the curriculum's learning objectives, the project also focuses on using the ECVET system to gain additional values which could be achieved in a partnering country with a different cultural background. In addition to specialty competences, the mobility also enables the participants to develop self-expression, tolerance, independece, problem-solving skills, initiative, responsibility, time and work management skills and learn foreign languages. Study units are compiled for the students and the assessment, transferring and acknowleding of learning outcomes agreed upon. Participation in the project helps with increasing the students' employability in order to enter the job market. The goal of the teachers' mobility is for them to work in the partnering companys and schools in order to experience their employability in the job market in various EU contries in their field based on their EQF levels. Without personal experience it is difficult to teach the students what it means to be an employable worker in the European Union. The main expected results of the project are increasing the participants' competence in their field, promote teaching based on the job market needs and increasing the teachers' own employability in the EU market. In addition to achieving each teacher's individual learning objectives, the project also enables the teachers to develop their everyday and speciality-related English skills. The imporovement of language skills is crucial, with reragd to the constantly increasing amount of international cooperation. The teachers also develop their cultural sensitivity, communication, tolerance, ability to learn, flexibility and creativity. Based on performance interviews, both flexibility and creativity were the most critical of all the competences. The project manager coordinates the project activities and is responsible for the appropriate performance of the project contract throughout the duration of it. During the preparation stage of the project, a mobility workplan is compiled and a contract signed with the participants. The finance manager keeps track of the financial documentation throughout the duration of the project, monitors its authenticity and accordance to the law. A long-term cooperation has been established with the partners and memorandums of understanding (MoU) or written confirmations have been signed already. With regard to developing vocational education, this project is crucial in raising the quality of and popularising vocational education. Based on experience from previous projects, it could be said that mobilities motivate students immensely. The project also fosters the development of international cooperation, which enables the more intensive implementation of students' and teachers' mobility projects, ECVET and working programmes.
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9 Partners Participants