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Rock Factory
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project assumptions inherent in the existing, real context in which is the still persistent, high unemployment among young people in the European Union. The project provides for comprehensive measures aimed at reducing youth unemployment by providing participants with practical experience and knowledge about entrepreneurship. This knowledge will be passed on an innovative way, through the application of the principle of "edutainment" (education through entertainment). Conducted as local activities, interactive group enterspreunership seminars will improve the state of practical knowledge of a significant portion of the youth on running their own business and shape their entrepreneurial attitude. Project refers to the existing, authentic and strong musical interests of many young people. Knowledge and practical skills in the field of youth entrepreneurship will be communicated in a way that differs from the school routine, freeing the participants authentic engagement, learning based on group cooperation and developing critical thinking skills. The project provides for the direct participation of 20 young people aged 13 - 18 years, but the number of indirect recipients is estimated at several thousand. Typical project participant is a young person who is interested in rock or metal music , and tries his hand at learning how to play any musical instrument or learn singing. Also, members of the newly formed youth bands will be invited to participate in the project. A key result of the work - the intellectual, interactive video game titled the "Rock Factory" (Practical entrepreneurship based on the example of running a music band as a "small virtual company") will be developed with the active participation of young people from the two partner organizations (bootom-up initiative) and, through the creation of an open group on social networking platform Facebook, and the use of You Tube service and Tumblr microblog platform, including the participation of interested young people from across the Europe - a test version of the game will be available free of charge in order to gather practical remarks and proposals for new solutions from all interested persons. After completion of the project, video game Rock Factory will be made available free of charge as an open educational resource , which in view of that will be created in English, will allow a large number of young people from across the European Union with an average knowledge of the language, to enjoy and use it. There will be four transnational project meetings within the project and numerous actions will be undertaken, as: 1. creation a new and innovative non-formal educational offer - based on the resulting project result of intellectual labor - an interactive, educational computer game "Rock Factory"; 2. exchange of best practices in the field of non-formal music education (in particular, to popularize and support the introduction in Poland of the British program to learn the electric guitar titled "Guitar Encounters" and the transfer of knowledge on the example of innovative group learning methods to play the keyboard used with a great success by the Polish partner). 3. raising the professional skills of teachers, primarily through the planned implementation of the mobility of people working with youth. The high quality of the planned results of the project will be supervised by a team of independent international experts from such field as: economy, information and music. This expert team will also monitor, in accordance with the approved schedule, attaining the project activities at the scheduled time. Young people directly involved in the project, after completion of training, conducted in both partner organizations, will win Youthpass certificates in the field of entrepreneurship. This document may be very useful in further personal development, education and professional work of each participant. The project will bring long-term benefits at the European level. The result of the project will improve the state of knowledge on entrepreneurship skills not only of the direct involved beneficiaries, but thanks to the planned effective and innovative methods of dissemination of the results (among others: the planned recommendation of members of world-famous bands coming from the city of Birmingham (i.e.Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and UB40), Honorary Patronage of the Marshal of the Westpomeranian Region, the Honorary Patronage of the Mayor of Birmingham, presentations at major events involving young people, publications in the pan-European music press, social media, etc.), also the large number of young people from across the Europe.
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